About the Book
At a young age, Drew lost his mother to breast cancer. She was his whole world. Too afraid to show his emotions, he held everything inside. The tragedy alone was unbearable, but to make matters worse, he and his older brother, Christopher, now had to move in with their angry, hurt, and confused Vietnam Vet Father. Not knowing where to turn, Andrew felt completely lost. Normally, he'd confide in his brother, but knowing he was equally hurt, he turned to writing, instead. The problem with writing, he felt, is it wasn't tough or cool, and living in a household where no one showed their emotions, excelling in sports seemed to be the answer. So, he followed in his brother's footsteps, losing himself in sports. You can only hide behind trophies and medals for so long though. Sports eventually lost their flare, and reality started sinking in. Although, now a man, the lost, hurt, and confused, seven year old boy was still inside, searching for answers. The writing, also, only helped so much in expressing who he was. Ultimately, he needed to confront the root of the issue; at the moment, he wasn't ready to. To numb and dumb himself from the pain, Drew turned to sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. Even these expensive "cheap thrills" could only mask the pain temporarily. Andrew's life began spiraling out of control, sinking deeper and deeper from the truth, into a dark, alienated place of depression. Even in the midst of his crazy life, a light always seemed to shine among him. The moment he began to question who he was, strange things started happening to him, good and bad. "Is there a rhyme or reason for all these hardships and obstacles I'm facing," he wondered, "or is it all just a silly, stupid game, called life?" In this true story, Drew openly shares with you numerous accounts of the good, the bad, and the ugly life experiences he endured. Never a dull moment, this exciting adventure finally lead Drew to discover his WARRIOR WITHIN! This 'Warrior Within, ' he learned, had been with him always. It had never left him, and it never would! It accepted him for who he was, yet also reminded him that there's so much more to life than the one he'd been living. It eventually inspired him to write and share this story to remind everyone, that we all have a 'Warrior Within, ' and it's begging to be unleashed. In this book, he helps you find your inner warrior and hopes that his story will help you rediscover all that you are destined to be! A must read! Namaste.
About the Author: Born in Houston, Texas, 'The Lone Star' State in 1980, Andrew Mitchell was destined to be a STAR from the very beginning! He was raised in Marion, Ohio, and was graduated from high school in 1999. School Team Name: The Pleasant Spartans. Wrestling came natural to Andrew, and he excelled more on the mat than on any other field of battle. Writing has been his passion and gift from the age of 7 or 8 years old. Andrew moved to California at the age of 18 to pursue bodybuilding and fitness modeling. Shocked by the culture change, he moved back to Ohio. Andrew attended Ohio State University, University of Southern Maine, where he wrestled for a year, and Ohio Wesleyan University, where he played football for a season, before fully committing himself to competitive bodybuilding. 2003 is the year Andrew's very successful bodybuilding and personal training career started. His journey has taken him from Texas, to Ohio, to California, to Ohio, to Maine, back to Ohio, to Florida, Ohio, Florida, L.A., and finally Las Vegas, where he currently resides. Andrew is an author, screenwriter, professional fitness trainer, transformational life coach, and motivational speaker.