The fact that you even picked up this book is interesting. What's going on inside you that drew you to this title?
- Feeling stressed?
- Life in a mess?
- Or are you just curious?
Are you yourself a walking warning label? Isn't it ironic that so many times we have
seen the warning labels very distinctly marked on pressurized containers, and yet we
fail to realize the same warning signs on ourselves?
We live in the midst of a high-tech digital world where everything seems to happen
at the press of a button or a mere voice command. And yet, for all our speed and
"connectedness," we are a society far less connected than ever.
For the believer in Jesus, the born-again child of God, the struggle can run deep, trying
to balance the pressures and stresses of life while keeping your relationship with the
Lord intact. In this day of super-abundant options and super-fast-paced lifestyles, what
do you do with Jesus? What do you do with God?
Take this journey with Rusty Moore as he shares life-changing yet simple truths that
lead you away from the pressures and overload into peace and joy. His Bible roots
run deep, and his life experiences bear witness to the practical effectiveness of his
Warning! Contents Under Pressure promises to lead you back to the basics of life in
Christ where you will fi nd His love, His peace, and His ever-present guidance through
all the hassles and craziness that life brings your way.
Learn how small adjustments to your priorities and lifestyle bring massive relief. It's not
too late to change your life! Join this journey of discovery and clarity on your path to
beating stress and trauma that come when life happens.
If you are tired of the status quo and are looking for the life of purpose God has planned
for you, this book is a the place to start!