The sixteen short stories in this anthology reflect some of the most pressing
global issues of concern today. These stories have been carefully chosen to
represent as many geographical regions of the world as possible. They
address such concerns as: political leadership and politics of integration;
terrorism and youth radicalisation; domestic violence, racial relations,
sexuality and gender, the environment and environmental sustainability,
religion and culture and globalisation. Some of the stories also give a social
commentary on such aspects of life as family and social relationships.
The stories are drawn from a diverse cadre of writers. There are stories from
experienced and celebrated writers, others from upcoming writers and
some from a new crop of writers. There are young as well not-so-young
contributors. This gives the anthology both wealth in terms of style of writing
and diversity of viewpoints and perspectives.
A read through this anthology is like a walk across geopolitical borders, a
peek into the varied cultures of the world and a dialogue with members of
di erent generations, all culminating into one major realisation: we are one
and we need each other. It is an enthralling read.