When the Vow Breaks: A Journey from Hurt to Healing will help singles, separated, dating, engaged, and married couples build better relationships that will enrich their lives. This book is a complete seven-hour guide for building relationships. This book can also be used in churches as a Bible study tool or a small group setting.
We have been married thirty years. We are passionate, gifted, and licensed to serve. We work with individuals, groups, and married couples. Our platforms include weekly radio and television shows. Our vision is to educate, energize, and empower through teaching, mentoring, and coaching programs. Our method includes relationships and character-building books, conferences, seminars, workshops, and couples retreats. This seven-hour step by step guide is the design to ignite the power within you by empowering you to build better relationships.
Marriage is a shared commitment with shared responsibilities. We found that seven shares were the glue that kept us together over thirty years. These are shared compatibility, shared communication, shared faith, shared commitment, shared prayer, shared intimacy, and shared investment, which will be a benefit in shared returns. This information is too valuable to keep to ourselves. We're obligated to share this with you so that your relationships and marriages will be successful. There are other areas that are just as important, but over the past thirty years of marriage, these seven were the most significant for us!
Why This Book?
Because we have both lost a lot of time and energy in relationships that weren't compatible. When a relationship doesn't have any shared compatibilities, the relationship loses. Its purpose for being becomes strained when something is strained, and it loses its original form and becomes useless. What can you expect? You can expect to discover the seven shares with the proper applications of building great relationships. These seven are the cornerstones, regardless of whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship.