About the Book
"Love Is the Nature of Existence", consists of four volumes, and is intended for those who wish to better understand the state of our world today, and how it got this way. George Orwell's book, "1984", examines how those who control the present re-write the past in order to determine the future. "Love Is the Nature of Existence' carefully details the history of human civilization, thus revealing the actual truth about what is happening today. Did the Third Reich fall, or are we still experiencing the same disease of mind that led to the execution of 6 million Jews, the mentally challenged, physically disabled, gypsies, homosexuals, and others deemed not worthy of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness? "Love Is the Nature of Existence", reveals that the sickness has grown, and spread to every part of the globe since the Second World War. Mankind never managed to learn from the greatest lesson history had to provide. The First World War, ended approximately twenty years prior to the WWII, and was supposed to be, "The War to end all Wars". We have a new Fuhrer; Nigel Shindler asserts he is, "Big Brother"; he's everywhere, but he's hiding, and that a world without coercion, oppression, and domination, will only be possible, when mankind is free from "His" subversive form of tyranny. The goal for all of us should not be control, but genuine liberty!!
About the Author: The author was given the name, Nigel, at birth, a very common name in Britain, and seven days later conforming to Jewish custom, a circumcision ceremony was performed and he was given both the Hebrew name Tovia and the Yiddish equivalent Tevia, both names imply the blessings and goodness that God bestows. In later years whilst living in Israel he adopted the Hebrew name Eitan, which implies stoicism and impetuousness. All these terms, expressions, are a reflection of his nature. He has depth and complexity, but can display banality, depending on his mood, or the time of day. Due to fate, circumstance, destiny, (whatever term deemed appropriate), over recent years he has not just engaged in a battle with himself in order to become fully actualized, but also a nation called, Canada. He admits that he neither wanted, nor desired, many things that have encroached on the lifestyle he sought to acquire for himself, but by conquering each obstacle placed in his path, he managed to realize himself in a span of time previously never imagined possible, and as a consequence, figured out why the world is in the state it is now. His life has been filled with great struggles, from early childhood onward, and the education he has provided himself is primarily the result of questioning, wanting to better understand, why people behave the way they do, and how certain circumstances arise. Time, history, existence, can be viewed as a story; a story is written with words, and the combination, synthesis, of these words formulates ideas. A story concludes when enough ideas have been coordinated to reveal the design, purpose, and reasoning, behind a plot. If a new beginning is upon us, and time can be contracted by the formulation of ideas, and Nigel Shindler's book is seen as an amalgamation of the primary concepts that have formulated the history of human civilization; it is mankind alone that is responsible for this occurrence. The author was recently awarded a Ph.D. in psychology by Ashley University, (an internationally accredited online university), on the basis of an earlier edition of "Love Is the Nature of Existence".