Diabetic Retinopathy - what we know, don't know, and need to know - Tom Gardner
Living with Diabetic Retinopathy
Ch. 1 A Patient's viewpoint: Heather Stuckey
Ch. 2 What patients with diabetes see-and don't see: subjective and objective visual function
changes - Shelly Boyd
Ch. 3 How do I know I have diabetic retinopathy - a clinician's view? - David Quillen
Prevalence, Public Awareness, and Screening Methods
Ch. 4 Epidemiology & Economics - John Javitt
Ch. 5 Correlation between the presence and severity of diabetic retinopathy in families with diabetes
- Victor Gonzalez
Ch. 6 Increasing public awareness of the diabetes endemic - Ian Constable
Ch. 7 Nutrition and diabetes- David Nathan
Ch. 8 Diabetic retinopathy screening - progress and complications - Peter Scanlon
Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy
Ch. 9 Measurements of retinal blood flow, vascular leakage, and oxygenation - Einer Stefansson
Ch. 10 Optical imaging - Confocal microscopy to detect retinal vasculature - Martin Friedlander
Ch. 11 Structural imaging - OCT - M. Larsen
Ch. 12 Functional imaging - ERG - Anthony Adams
How Diabetes Affects the Eye
Ch. 13 Clinical phenotypes (reclassification) - J. Cunha-Vaz
Ch. 14 Vascular changes - David Antonetti & Tom Gardiner (Belfast)
Ch. 15 Neuronal ch
anges - Alistair Barber/Greg JacksonCh. 16 Inflammatory changes - Mark Tso
Ch. 17 Other Ocular Complications of Diabetes - Shoja MR
New Approaches to Diabetic Retinopathy
Ch. 18 New insights in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy using a proteomic approach - Retina -
Quin GG
Ch. 19 Vitreous proteomics - Ed Feener
Ch. 20 Genomics - Bill Freeman
Ch. 21 Genome-wide linkage analyses to identify Loci for diabetic retinopathy - Kang Zhang (Utah)
Risk Factors
Ch. 22 Diabetic retinopathy correlates with increased incidence of cardiovascular events -Cheung N
Ch. 23 Pregnancy and rate of progression of diabetic retinopathy - Sheth BP
Molecular Mechanisms that Could Trigger Visual Dysfunction in Diabetes
Introduction - Tom Gardner
Ch. 24 Inflammation in the early pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy -beauty and beast. - Chris Norbury (Hershey)
Ch. 25 Oxidative stress and diabetic retinopathy. - Catherine Whiteside
Ch. 26 Glucose induced cellular signaling in diabetic retinopathy - Chakrabarti S
Ch. 27 The AGE/RAGE axis in early diabetic retinopathy - Schmidt AM
Ch. 28 Proteases and the retinal vasculature (and maybe the whole retina!) - Arup Das.
Ch. 29 IGFBP3 and retinal vessel growth. Smith LE
Ch. 30 PEDF, VEGF, CTGF review - JX Ma
Ch. 31 A decrease in the expression of somatosta
tin is an early event in diabetic retinopathy -Carrasco E
Ch. 32 Connective tissue and connective tissue growth factor in diabetic retinopathy - Schlingemann
Ch. 33 Molecular regulation of endothelial cell tight junctions and the blood retinal barrier - Antonetti
Ch. 34 Pericytes and diabetic retinopathy - Puro DG
Ch. 35 Leukostasis - Adamis, AP
Ch. 36 Adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) and diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. -
Khalfaoui T,
Ch. 37 Azurocidin as a Permeability Factor in the Retina - Hafezi-Moghadam A
Ch. 38 Retinal arteriolar hemodynamic response to a combined isocapnic hyperoxia and glucose
provocation in early sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. - Devenyi RG.
Ch. 39 Urinar