About the Book
Excerpt from The Vision of Judgment, or the Return of Joanna From Her Trance The following little work, though written in answer to a letter re ceived from Mr. C., one of J oannasouthcott's judges, and ministerof the chapel called The House of God, Walworth, is seriously recomq mended to the attention and perusal of all people, as it is a subject of the last importance to every soul Of man, and will be found particularly interesting and acceptable to all those who have been anxiously looking for the kingdom of God, and the fulfilment of the holy Scriptures, and Of all the prophecies and spiritual revelations, dreams and visions, given from God, through various instruments, as well in this latter periodof time as in the former ages. The wise men Of this day, who have taken upon them to expound the Scriptures, have told us that pro'phesying has ceased long ago; but surely they have not got their information from holy writ, but have taken upon them to contradict it; for the holy Scriptures declare, that in the last days both the servants and hand-s, maids should prophesy, dream dreams, see visions, &c But the people Of the latter age (i mean those who have lived within the last fifty or sixty years, particularly the teachers Of religion), who have used all, their'influence to drive away from the minds of men every idea of super natural religion tell them Of revelations, or communications received, immediately from our blessed God and Saviour, or Of the appearance of. Angels, or Of having dreams of a supernatural tendency, theya'are alarmed; and every one thus favoured with divine and spiritual teach ing, is counted an enthusiast, or cried down as a mad-man, so, that their poor priestridden followers, if they should meet in the street one visited by the spirit of the Lord, would shun him as they would a, mad dog. Satan, the sworn enemy of God and man, having gained such an asceng dency as this over the minds of men, thinks that his kingdom is secure enough; and, indeed, SO great is his power in men of late, that infidelity has taken such deep root, and has spread itself to such an alarming ex tent, that except those days should be shortened, this cursed spirit would. Destroy all the inhabitants of the earth, no flesh could be saved but, blessed be the God of truth, who hath reserved a David unto, this time; to go forth with his sling and pebble against this great Goliath, who has defied the power Of the living God and this David is none, other than' Shiloh, the Spirit of Truth, who is now come, binding his fole to the vine, and his asses' colt unto the choise vine be washed his gar-r ments in wine, and his clothes in the blood Of grapes; his eyes are red With'wine, andhis teeth white with milk? To him shall the, gathering of the people be. The writer of this 'work has two things only in View, namely, the glory of God his only Lord, and Master, in whose fear he Writes, and the good of his fellow men, among whom he sees no one less deserving of the favour Of God than himself, and of. Course cannot say to any, Stand by thyself, I am holier than thou; but by the grace'of God 1 am what I am, and if it is of grace it is not of works, no; lqllt it is by faith, that it might be by grace, that the promise might be sure to all the seed as well as to himself. The enlightened reader Williin perusing this little book, say with Paul, Without controversy. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com