About the Book
This work provides detailed descriptions of the coats of arms of 275 Virginia families, often including descriptions of crests and mottoes. The author also inserts, to differing degrees, individual names, occupations, accomplishments, information from wills and probate, dates of death and marriage, and other genealogical information. The 275 family surnames included in this volume are: Adams, Abrahall, Aitchison, Alexander, Allen, Ambler, Andrews, Archer, Armistead, Ashton, Aston, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ball, Barradall, Baskerville, Bassett, Batcheldor, Bathurst, Batt, Beckwith, Beale, Bennett, Bernard, Beverley, Bickley, Bland, Bolling, Booth, Bowie, Bowles, Branch, Bray, Brent, Bristow, Brodnax, Browne, Buckner, Burwell, Butler, Byrd, Cabell, Calthorpe, Calvert, Camm, Carrington, Carter, Cary, Cay, Chapman, Chew, Chicheley, Chichester, Churchill, Claiborne, Clarke, Clayton, Clopton, Cock, Cocke, Codd, Coke, Cole, Colston, Conway, Cooke, Corbin, Crawford, Creyke, Curie, Custis, Dale, Dandridge, Davison, Digges, Doodes, Dormer, Douglas, Duke, Duncombe, Edwards, English, Eppes, Evelyn, Fairfax, Farrar, Fauntleroy, Fending, Filmer, Fitzhugh, Fleet, Flournoy, Flower, Folliott, Fontaine, Foote, Fox, Fowke, Garlick, Gilmer, Gooch, Goodwin, Gookin, Gordon, Graham, Gray, Griffin, Grymes, Hall, Hansford, Harrison, Harward, Harwood, Henderson, Herbert, Heyman, Hill, Holford, Hone, Hooke, Howell, Hubard, Hume, Inglis, Isham, Jaquelin, Jadwin, Jameson, Jenings, Jerdone, Jett, Jones, Keeble, Kempe, King, Kingsmill, Lamar, Landon, Langhorne, Latane, Lawson, Lee, Leftwich, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lindsay, Lister, Littleton, Lloyd, Long, Luckin, Ludlow, Ludwell, Luke, Lunsford, Lyddall, Mallory, Mann, Martin, Mason, Mayo, Menifle, Mercer, Meriwether, Metcalfe, Miller, Milner, Minor, Montague, Moore, Morehead, Moryson, Moseley, Nelson, Neville, Newce, Newton, Nicholson, Nott, Olney, Page, Parker, Pawlett, Peachey, Pearson, Pendleton, Perrott, Pettus, Peyton, Place, Pratt, Prentis, Quisenberry, Rae, Ramsay, Randolph, Reade, Reid, Rice, Rich, Richards, Ring, Roane, Robinson, Bodes, Rolfe, Rootes, Roscow, Sandys, Scarborough, Scott, Sheild, Skelton, Skipwith, Slaughter, Smith, Spelman, Spencer, Spotswood, Steptoe, Stith, Stone, Strachan, Strachey, Strother, Swan, Taman, Tarrant, Tayloe, Taylor, Tazewell, Temple, Thompson, Thornton, Thoroughgood, Thorpe, Throckmorton, Thruston, Timson, Tirrey, Tooker, Towles, Tucker, Turbervllle, Turner, Underhill, Waldoe, Walke, Wallace, Waller, Warner, Warren, Washington, Waters, Webb, West, Westwood, Whitehead, Whiting, Willis, Willoughby, Wilson, Wise., Witham, Withers, Woodford, Woodhouse, Wormeley, Wray, Wyatt, Wyche, Yeardley, Yuille, and Zouch. Softcover, (1908), 2011, Index, 114 pp.