Keep a detailed record of your gaming with this logbook journal.
Ratings include: -
A Target diagram for
Graphics, music, characters, cinematics, story, content, controls, gameplay.
You can rate how the game makes you feel when playing it.
Space for cheats and notes.
This notebook can be used for personal use or for professional gaming reviewers. It will build into a very valuable resource for any gamer or reviewer.
Includes some positives of gaming
1.Problem solving and logic
2.Hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills
3.Planning, resource management and logistics.
4.Multitasking, simultaneous tracking of many shifting variables and managing multiple objectives.
5.Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions.
7.Strategy and anticipation
8.Situational awareness
9.Developing reading and math skills
11.Pattern recognition
12.Estimating skills
13.Inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing
17.Improved ability to rapidly and accurately recognize visual information
18.Reasoned judgments
19.Taking risks
20.How to respond to challenges
21.How to respond to frustrations
22.How to explore and rethink goals
23.Teamwork and on when played with others Includes the positives of gaming
(c)Dawn O'Connor