About the Book
You probably have read the books, The Adventures of Bungalow Bill, then The Further Adventures of Bungalow Bill, and now the last in the series is The Very LastAdventure of Bungalow Bill, this was not an easy book to write, as I asked for ideas from my readers, many of which I used, thank you!I am afraid I did not understand what feelings of repugnancy, hatred, as well as ill feelings I had caused, when I left myself open for such abuse, however in my own defence, I can now reveal that this in a major part is a true story, for a clue into my area of expertise, please read my web page!Bill now has the whole world opening for him, a little bit of murder, death, deceit, wholesale lying, free sex, and for the first time in his live LOVE, to what effect, as he juggles with what life throws at him, he starts to gain property, WORK as unbelievable as it would seem, attend Collage, while working equally hard in discovering a new identity that he needed to use, as his old one has too much baggage attached to his own name if he could really remember it.However like most of Billy's plan there are consequences, for as he goes hunting for the supporting official paperwork to support his quest for his new identity, not only does he discover all go the paperwork he requires, but also a revolver with ammunition, all in the same place, in custody of what he believes is an ancient grieving mother, mourning the death of her son, who lost his life at such a tender age!But he is never far from crime which is constantly beaconing his attendance, for on his travels in a stolen car to Wales, accidentally kills a man, then as he puts him in the driving seat, the car somehow goes backwards over the slight cliff off the road.In pouring rain he falls into a ditch, nearly drowns, to be saved by a couple with sheep in between the back seat, and taken to their home, only then during breakfast, he meets the couples son, a Police Man...returned promptly to the spot he was discovered! He is once again on his toes and meets Pearl the owner of a long cottage, in the actual state of being modernised by a married workman, who regards Pearl as for his attentions only, yet Billies charm winds the day, and Pearl eventually invites Billy to her bed. The outcome is that she is murdered, and Billy inherits the Long Cottage, as time passes he accidentally locates hidden stolen coins, stolen by a husband who was Pearls 'friend' whose wife Marion will be Billy's new love, mistress, as well as teacher and guide, later in the story. I digress sorry, Pearls sister catches Marion and Billy in a sexual embrace, and commits suicide!And so on, more and more ill luck for Billy, it is hard for him to understand why it is him to blame all the time, and in the last book, Billy is in prison, hard to believe I know, even their more bad luck is still following him, to understand the hard ship he is suffering, I have used prisoners slang so you could feel with one, as the convicts go about their live in custody.Again another accidental death, that Billy has no knowledge of, yet a friend needs Billy on the outside as quick as possible, for forces without need a 'shooter' ASP, and it would seem Billy fits the package they require a man of experience?The Judge is convinced that the best answer is to change the Life sentence to one of a Hospital Order, so in the believe of an early release Billy complies, unfortunately 'The grass is no greener on the other side of the fence' especially when the date is altered with further evidence from no less a person than "Mr. Plod' a Policeman from Marion's and Billies village, so Billy escapes to seek vengeance, and yes more murder he does again commit!The ending one given to me by email, I leave you to read for yourself...Thank you everybody, I really enjoyed fill in the gaps, David J Moran