There are two types of people. Entrepreneurs and everyone else.
This is a manual for those in business, not those thinking about, dreaming about, and by gosh talking about being in business. The difference in reader is profound. The obvious to the entrepreneur makes writing this book a bit embarrassing. The wannabe is just looking for some outside validation to make their "decision" to be in business ok.
It is not ok. No sane person would choose to be an entrepreneur. The purposeful choice of "trial by fire" is just not logical. Stay away. Look at the pictures on your desk. Stare at your PC and stay put.
Relentless is the key word for success in venture business. You can choose any business and make your living. If you are thinking about it then it has a market niche and you can play to that market. Anything.
All business has one thing in common, a customer. This book is focused on the customer and all interactions and process that must happen to move from prospect to pending to sold to done.
The Venture Business Manual has three pillars:
2 and 3 are "easy." 1 is the game. SDA. Sales, Delivery and Administration form the foundation of any business of any size. This is the order that I like. SDA. This puts the customer at the center and focuses business activities and what is needed first.
To succeed in venture business, you must have stamina to relentlessly pursue your ability to deliver. Success is only defined by a happy paid-in-full client.
Your venture business is involved in your client's Pursuit-of-Happiness. This is a heavy responsibility that drives me and the content of The Venture Business Manual to help you focus on delivering promises to customers. Your very survival depends on it.
Part lecture and part reference book, The Venture Business Manual will allow quick use to solve problems and deeper thought for perfecting Sales, Delivery and Administration (SDA).
Each pillar has many bricks that are the anchor to your business. In the Sales pillar details about telemarketing, advertising, golden voices and more. Delivery is focused on quality and how to comply and beat regulations. Administration is third, hardest, but becomes the great relaxer if done correctly.
I love what I do as a venture businessman. I raised 4 million dollars in 1995 for internet in Japan that is about as hair raising a story as can be told. Since 2000 my pursuit of happiness is ABC Solar Incorporated, and its SDA birth, youth and continual seeking of perfection is the fresh perspective for The Venture Business Manual.
Sales drives everything. That moment when the client reaches into their wallet and buys is magic. Cha-ching. Getting to that point is a very calculated effort to process leads to fruition. Nurture, Contact, Close.
The Sales Section has potent methodologies that has served me well in building each my businesses since 1979. By the time this book is done I will be able to claim 30 years of Venture Business success and spectacular failures.
Failures that contain lessons and led to new adventures. Successes that are the foundation for Revenue for Eternity for my family.
Life is a circle and so is the sales department. Surround-The- Space in chapter 16 has details about:
Soft-sell Telemarketing
Marketing to Competitors
Online Industry Newsletters
Industry Events
Speeches and White Papers
Press Releases
Marketing to Employees
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Ok, the secret is out. If you are going to survive the long-term of your Venture Business, then you must look at threats that can stop your activities. In the past it was easy to spot danger as it was wearing a lab coat with a pocket pencil protector filled and glasses.