Velda Bryson, Disruptor is the story of twenty-seven year old Velda, a resilient, Oxford
educated woman, who seeks power, order, and ultimately self-actualization in her life. Velda exposes
and fights the tactics of her affluent and ruthless father as well as the powerful banking institution of US Patriot Bank in
the courtroom, as she faces burying her older half-sister, and manages her relationship with Philip, who has sexual
identity and health issues.
Ultimately Velda is determined to reclaim her rightful place within the empire of her Minneapolis-based
Bryson family, as the story culminates in an entangled legal battle over trust governance, which involves one of the
largest banks in the world, US Patriot Bank.
Velda is the daughter of George Bryson, II, a cruel father, who left his daughters in France when Velda
was three years old. He is motivated by power and money, and fends off his four daughters from
rebalancing the power structure within his branch of the family. From the age of eighteen, Velda has
hired legal counsel, taught herself the intricacies of the law and business, all the while attempting to
resolve her own feelings of pain, powerlessness, and inadequacy due to the abuse she suffered as a child
at the hands of her father, which inevitably inform her choices in her current relationships.
This story takes the reader to Cannes, Oxford, London, Minneapolis, Montana, and Norway, as it
presents flashbacks from Velda's younger years and experiences, that make up her journey towards
fulfilling her destiny.