The fusion of keto diet and vegetarian diet has benefits that both bring to health as confirmed by the scientific world.
That's why so many people make this choice, and as soon as they've made it, they immediately look for books on the topic, overall COOKBOOKS !
Some people make this choice for ethical reasons and for the protection of the planet's resources, others simply because it is proven that the health benefits are many, but everyone greatly appreciates that this diet makes you lose weight quickly and helps to maintain the weight achieved!
However, many people think that it takes a long time to cook elaborate dishes, time to look for new recipes, different from those they are used to, and feel discouraged by this idea!
Nothing could be further from the wrong!
Keto-vegan cuisine can be quite simple and fast, as well as cheap and tasty.
In this book, recipes have been selected that can be made quickly and using a single pot, pan, grill, or multicooker that it is, just thinking of those people who do not have time to dedicate to the stove, but do not want to give up enjoying tasty dishes, despite being on a keto-vegan diet.
Your customers will really appreciate this selection of recipes and will not be able to stop using them!
In addition, as a bonus at the end of the book, your customers will find a series of pages with schemes to INVENT THEIR PERSONAL RECIPES and transcribe them so they can easily repeat them.
All of us, who more or less, are "chefs" in our house, and we like to mix ingredients and invent dishes, especially those who follow a vegan or keto-vegan regime.
Your customers will love having these pages available to transcribe their recipes.
Don't miss this book to your customers, it's new and original, your customers will love it!Don't wait any longer! BUY IT NOW!!