As a vegan athlete or intending on you require a lot of protein for your daily workouts and this book provides you with high protein foods that will keep you energized throughout your workout and other daily activities. With these recipes you will soon realize that your mind and body are beginning to feel better, stronger and healthier.
Not only bodybuilders need to improve their intake of protein. Endurance athletes like cyclists and runners also need to eat more protein as our body uses protein primarily to repair damaged muscle tissue from repeated training. Lean muscle mass maintenance, repair, and growth all depend on protein.
Mental resistance is one of the most significant challenges facing people when they decide to eat a vegan diet. Maybe you think it's too complicated in fact, or it's just another diet that won't last or produce the results you're looking for. Eating a vegan diet is not just a fad or something that you do for weight loss or short-term effects.
This book is about using a vegan diet as fuel to live a more athletic lifestyle. You need to eat daily, so why not eat fibrous, nutritious and plant-load your meals? I genuinely believe that with the information contained in this book, together with a keen interest in athletic living, you can learn that it is not difficult to eat a vegan diet and that anyone can take a vegan diet at any level.
If you were a plant-based bodybuilder a decade ago, you would have been seen as an oxymoron. For a long time now, all we have heard is that in order to build muscles, you have to eat a lot of meat. The times are changing, and bodybuilders now realize that they don't want to consume as many animal products.
It's obvious that a plant-based diet can provide you with lots of health benefits. People who follow a plant-based diet have a lower risk of obesity than the national average. Considering that there is research that says processed and red meat can shorten a person's life expectancies, plant-based dieters tend to live longer.
But, there is still concern among bodybuilders about the ability to increase or maintain their size and strength. I want to assure you that when you start taking into account the attention and planning that you put into your lifestyle, you will quickly realize that being a vegan bodybuilder isn't all that much harder to follow than the diet you are following right now.
This book covers the following topics:
- Athlete getting started on a vegan diet
- Nutrition tips for athletes
- Breakfast recipes
- Lunch recipes
- Dinner recipes
- Dessert and snack recipes
- Vegetables
... AND MORE!!!
What are you waiting for? Don't wait anymore, press the buy now button and get started.
There are bodybuilding nutrition facts that remain true even if you are following a plant-based diet. The truth is, all you are doing is adapting what you have already learned about building muscle and getting rid of fat and turning it plant-based. You are simply making your nutrition simpler.
Make the switch to a vegan lifestyle.