You Are A Click Away From Learning How You Leverage The Power Of Vagus Nerve Stimulation To Be From Such Health Problems Like Digestive Problems, Heart Problems, Kidney Problems, Mental Health Problems And Much More!
The human body is a highly connected system, with different organs and organ systems 'communicating' through different mediums/mechanisms. When these communication systems don't function as expected, problems follow and manifest through all manner of ways.
The vagus nerve is one such medium of connecting different organs and organ systems around the body, starting from the head to the toes. When something goes wrong with this nerve, because of an injury, overstimulation or under-stimulation, such problems like digestive problems, heart problems, kidney problems and much more kick in.
So if you are struggling with any of these problems, perhaps the reason you've been struggling with such problems is because you've been following the wrong approach to curing these problems! In other words, you may have been trying too hard to suppress the symptoms instead of dealing with the root causes.
What then do you do?
Simple; stimulate your vagus nerve to restore its functioning to 'default' or optimal to effectively deal with the problems you are struggling with.
So what exactly is vagus nerve stimulation?
What does it entail?
How do you go about stimulating the vagus nerve?
Is this thing even scientific; are there any scientific studies that have been conducted on the same?
What ways can you use to stimulate your vagus nerve?
And are there safety issues you need to be aware of as you stimulate your vagus nerve?
If you have these and other related questions, this book covers everything you need to know about the vagus nerve to ensure that by the end of the book, you have more than average level knowledge of the ins and outs of vagus nerve stimulation.
More precisely, the book covers:
- The basics about the vagus nerve, including what it is, the anatomy of the vagus nerve and the functional components of the vagus nerve
- How the vagus nerve is linked to health and performance of different organs and organ systems in your body
- What happens when the vagus nerve is and is not functioning optimally
- Why your breathing, digestive, heart, liver, sleeping, bacterial overgrowth, eating disorders and excessive cravings problems may have a vagus nerve connection and what to do about it
- The effect of stress on gut-brain function, including how that relates to the vagus nerve
- The link between chronic inflammation, immune activation and the vagus nerve
- How chronic stress is linked to vagus nerve problems
- How a lack of social interaction may have a lot to do with vagus nerve problems than you may have thought
- How to measure your vagus nerve function using different kinds of tests to decide how much stimulation it needs
- Different exercises that you can engage in to stimulate your vagus nerve
- Different other active strategies that can help you stimulate your vagus nerve effectively for optimal health
- How to activate/stimulate your vagus nerve passively using different strategies
- And much more!
Although everything may seem too complicated now, this book has you covered, as it covers everything using easy to follow, beginner friendly language to help you apply what you learn immediately.
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