★ Do you feel you have prayed a lot but seen few or no answers? ★
Prayer which is making your needs and desires known to God and fellowshipping with Him is a very vital subject but must be rightly done. Many people, both saints, and sinners are fast to pray but few receive answers to their prayers.
Others even go to the extent of attending school of prayers, pray and fast for long, yet, very few receive answers, this is not Gods will.
The possibilities of prayers is full salvation, peace of mind, victory, healing, full redemption, power in service, provision of all physical needs and spiritual needs.
The question is, why do people pray all manner of prayers but very few receive answers? The question is answered in this book because God's will is to answer every prayer immediately they are prayed.
Whenever there is failure in answers, it cannot be possibly from God's side because He is more willing to answer our prayers, give, bless and to deliver us more than we are willing to receive or ask.
If you want to receive answers to every prayer, you must be willing to follow the principles and fulfill the conditions for answers. Read through this book and discover the secrets.
Scroll up to download the kindle version or get a copy of the paperback now. May you receive unlimited revelations and breakthrough as you read this Book in Jesus' name!!