About the Book
The Untold Secret ... reveals the patterns, obstacles and cycles our Creator incorporated for Entrepreneurs and leaders that will test and challenge their Character, Humility, Obedience and Persistence and lead them to their True Wealth. Overview Can you obtain the same level of wealth as Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates with their super-rich accomplishments? Hundreds of authors and millionaires have attempted to explain their formula so that you can duplicate their super success. But can you believe them? True Wealth is not inherited but created through visions, dreams, hard work, ups and downs, failures and successes-it is far more than riches, money or possessions. It encompasses the deeper things of life that affect your body, soul and spirit and accomplishments in life. Authors and entrepreneurs Brig Hart and John Beehner ask, "Did three men in different writings in the first century AD record a 'secret' for all mankind?" They contend you will never hear or learn about this on celebrity shows. On their life quests Brig and John have worked coached or inspired hundreds of entrepreneurs to discover the fastest road to make their first $10 million. Ultimately, the real truth behind creating wealth evades most people, but is rooted in the trials and tests that leaders experience in life and business. The depth and richness of this book lies in the stories of entrepreneurs that have built their companies like Nike, McDonalds, IBM, Mary Kay, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, J.C. Penney, Starbucks, Quaker Oats, MonaVie, Southwest Airlines, Jet Blue, CNN, FedEx just to name just a few. It is the powerful inside example of 'sowing and reaping' that the media fails to share with its audiences. They still believe 'bad news outsells the good News' and profound insight of this book, "The Untold Secret" unlocks the mystery behind successful men and women who have received a vision and mission. See how they produced a harvest in difficult soil and inspire their staff with their passionate spirit. In today's marketplace, the word 'secret' is widely used by marketers, but Brig and John discovered the foundational truth that Jesus taught over 2,000 years ago. He seldom used the word 'secret' so when He used the word you have to listen intently. Three times in Matthew, Luke, and Mark, the "Secret of the Kingdom" is presented by Jesus as found in the Parable of the Sower. The parable describes what happens when the seed is sown on hard soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, and good soil. If you are called to be a passionate risk taker in life or business, this book will inspire you with faith, hope, and encouragement. By uncovering untold truths, you can make sense out of your calling in a journey filled with successes, potholes, confusion and unanswered questions. Discover what God can do and is doing through you as the gardener of your soul. Be prepared to change. The achievements of life are found in the soil of your soul. Don't miss the opportunity to find your path to ultimate treasures.
About the Author: Brig Hart, As a young man enjoyed the carefree life of a surfer. Then, after a stint in the Marines Brig and his brother open a surf shop on a shoestring budget. Then a series of events unfolded that transformed Brig's personal and spiritual life he started a marketing company that became one of the largest independent sales and marketing machines in Amway history. Inspired to never give up, many of Brig's team became wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. A few years, after closing that chapter of his life, Brig discovered he had skin cancer. On a quest to find healing, he discovered a little known fruit and berry company in Utah named Mona Vie. As he used the product to help his body heal, he became convinced it could help anyone. So he invested in MonaVie and helped create a foundation for what became one of the largest organizations in direct sales history. Brig and Lita Hart newest venture is the USA Association to help "take back the USA"...from liberal leaning and get back to faith, family and free enterprise. John Beehner, is an author, entrepreneur, and business coach. He is Founder and CEO of Wise Counsel, an ongoing roundtable learning process for entrepreneurs of faith. He has personally worked with hundreds of business owners. John lays a solid foundation in his books by comparing the world's view of success with that of America's founding fathers who sought the Bible for their principles and values. In 1981, John founded an organization formerly known as TEC and rapidly built the business to over 300 clients. TEC focused on the strategies that drive business success with outside experts, coaching while using the talents of peer CEOs in sharing their advise, wisdom and personal experiences. He personally worked with two clients who had grown from $2 million to $2 billion in 15 years. Both received the coveted Horatio Alger Award given to Distinguished Americans who overcome adversity in achieving excellence. John is author of "True Wealth By the Book" and the popular video series "Genesis: the Business Workshop." These resources provide insights on how to build their business on a solid foundation of Biblical and business values. John's second book is entitled "The Freedom Revolution... Rocking our World. The inspiring story of how freedom and the church are transforming nations." He also hosts his own local radio show known as "Marketplace Witness" were he interviews business and ministry leaders to learn from their life story.