Using the names and faces of the men from one county who died in Vietnam, the book explores how charismatic leaders won support, the acgtual reasons for the war, and the patriotic American spirit at the time that led so many to join the fight.
Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao Zedong all longed to hold power over their people under the promise of "equality" and redistribution of wealth. All dissenters who wanted to retain their freedom and belongings suffered enormous consequences at their hands.
Generations of Americans who relished living in free enterprise, were willing to do their part to help those under persecution from the heavy hand of socialism and communism. They served in wars to fight alongside those who struggled to retain their freedom, and their families at home did all they could tohelp that cause.
By the time America became involved in the Vietnam War, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) had a stronghold in Europe and Asia. North Vietnam, which bordered China, fell to communist control. When the South Vietnamese were also threatened to be overrun with communism, America stood with them to battle a common enemy. The USSR stood with China and the North Vietnamese.
These two super-powers struggled by proxy within North and South Vietnam, and in the public eye with the "Space Race." Einstein and Von Braun excaped to join Americans in liberty.
As the media reported of the harsh realities of war, young people called for peace, without recognizing that meant surrender to communism. The sensational reporting fo fears and horrors within the battlefield haunted Americans. Gradually the graphic pictures and reports of battlefield losses doused the fire of patriotism.
Some Americans turned their backs on Vietnam veterans who returned to hate-filled crowds. Casualties were returned to families who had to grieve alone rather than discuss the pros and cons of the war. Political pressure called and end to American involvement, and led to the fall of Saigon. Tens of thousands of South Vietnamese died in the war. MIllions died after the war, under the communist regime.
This book takes a realistic look at history and how manipulation of thought has swayed countries. It demonstrates the socialist and communist agenda, and contrasts it with the free enterprise in America.