Lasting joy can be discovered with simple change in perspective. Once we learn to let go, to "un-stick" from stress by letting go of those things in the past and the future that we cannot change, we open the door to experiencing true joy. It is a joy that's even greater than happiness, one that fills us with harmony, balance, and love.
With insightful lessons on love and life, this series of proselike stories follows Gloria, Dee, Sasha, and Katie as they push through challenges. Their commentary on the pursuit of love and on living in the moment show how we can all learn to just be with our internal selves. Appreciating every individual moment for what it is opens us up to a greater realm of joy. When we release ourselves from worry, from negativity, and from fixating on anything other than right now, we will be able to move through the good and the bad of life with the realization that both are necessary. We must cherish each part of life, for it can change in a split second.
Follow along with these profound ponderings, and your journey to lasting inner peace will have already begun.
About the Author: Dory Anne Louise, the artist and yogi behind, worked in the mental health field as a registered nurse for over twenty years. She holds a master's degree in leadership as well as a master's certification in community addictions. Her work as an artist, in both painting and photography, appears in Un-stuck.
Now retired from nursing, Louise writes and teach a soft, slow form of yoga, one that helps her students connect with their inner selves. More of her proselike writings are posted daily on Facebook, Twitter, and her website, sharing insights on spirituality, letting go, and changing your perspective. Louise has four children and two grandchildren.