The moment has arrived! Your teen is finally in high school! Yikes! Where has time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday that you were teaching him to write his name? Now it's time to teach high school and you're not quite sure what to do. It's time to take those dreaded SATs, make transcripts, and prepare your teen for graduation. Can you do it? Of course, you can!
Relax! Here's some help from two experienced homeschooling moms. You can have a peaceful, joy-filled, successful high school adventure! You can plan courses ahead and take advantage of spontaneous opportunities using the principles in this book. You can send your children debt-free-- Unlocking the Mystery of Homeschooling High School will share how several young people did it! You can make your own transcripts with the step-by-step instructions in this book. Best of all, you can enjoy the high school journey at home!
Ready to homeschool high school yet? You can do this! Between the two of us, we have graduated nine teenagers. Some attended college and others trained for their career. They defended their faith, proclaimed Christ, and made excellent grades. They stayed plugged into their local and enjoyed healthy relationships with their families. Has it been a smooth, easy road? No, not always. But, we have persevered through every obstacle and everyone in both families agree: Homeschooling High School was the BEST Choice!
If you want to homeschool with confidence, then read this book and keep your eyes on Jesus. We can show you the practical stuff and He gives you His Word and Spirit to guide you day by day in the glorious adventure of homeschooling high school. Here are the chapters: - High School
- ClassCredits
- Plan to Educate
- Creating Classes
- Transcripts
- Sample Transcripts
- Making Transcripts
- SAT Prep
- Course Description
- College Application Process
- Going to College Debt-Free
- Graduation
About the Author: Meredith Curtis, pastor's wife and homeschooling mom of five amazing children, has been been married to her college sweetheart for 30 years. She loves Jesus, leads worship, writes, mentors ladies, and, sometimes, even cooks dinner! Meredith wants to encourage families to be joyful and successful in their homeschool adventures, all the way to high school graduation! Meredith is the founder of Finish Well, a homeschooling conference. She is the author of Joyful and Successful Homeschooling, Seven R's of Homeschooling, Jesus, Fill my Heart & Home, Economics, Finances, and Business Class, and God's Girls Beauty Secrets.
Laura Nolette, bass player and homeschooling mom of four awesome children, loves to work on computers. Creative and artistic, Laura creates many of Powerline Productions timeline figures, badges, banners, and book covers. She loves creating websites and believe it or not, Laura loves math and science! She teaches chemistry and physics in our homeschool co-op. She is the author of Web Design 101 and a speaker at Finish Well. Laura is always searching and striving to find ways to help Christian families homeschool and equip their children for long lives of godly service.
Meredith and Laura started Powerline Productions, a company whose mission is to equip Christians to be world changers and raise world changers through books, Bible studies, classes, unit studies, cookbooks, and audios. They lead a homeschool co-op together. Meredith and Laura wrote Make a Joyful Noise: Songwriting 101, American History Timeline, HIS Story of the 20th Century Timeline, Travel the World Country Report Lapbook, and Celebrate Christmas with a Traveling Dinner. Best of all, Laura's oldest son, Zack is married to Meredith's oldest daughter, Katie-Beth. Laura and Meredith share their first grandson, the cutest little baby in the whole world: Rusty!