Offering the world far more than even the kind of Liberty and Prosperity that America used to have.
If Americans are supposed to have inalienable individual ( human ) rights, shouldn't all people?
The Project that modernizes the U.S. Bill of Rights, clarifies and elaborates on it, adds safeguards to ensure freedom, and offers it to everyone in the world, to adopt for their own!
Interesting, thought-provoking. Introduces bold new concepts for freeing all people, and bringing prosperity like never before seen!
Most people think that if you just vote for the "right people" within the forced-collectivist system, we'd have "Utopia." But the system is the problem! No matter who you vote for, things don't get better - they just keep getting worse! ( You can sure see that now! )
We're proposing something new. A completely new system - a sea change of government, in which people would own their own lives, have truly inalienable individual rights, and in which government would truly and finally work for the people, and not be allowed to take whatever they pleased - be it your money, your property, your time, or even your life.
This proposed new system is what we call, "The Universal Individual Rights Project."
Everyone else is just complaining about what is. We're interested in focusing on what could be. Please read this book, then join with us and help us become a movement - a beam of light to liberty!
Eventually the current system will collapse. It is unsustainable. Hurry and help us with this Project, before it's too late, and the world sinks into untold misery and loss of freedom, from which we may never recover!
A Worldwide Freedom Movement In A Book
A Blueprint For Peace, Prosperity And Freedom
A New System Of Rational Individualism
Nothing is more pro-liberty than The Universal Individual Rights Project.