Unexpected Lessons From Professor Higgins is an inspirational and humorous memoir that follows a mother-and-son journey through the trials and joys of life with Down syndrome. Author Patti Smith lovingly and honestly reveals transformative lessons gleaned from forty-plus years of caring for (and being tutored by) her son, Christopher, whose diagnosis as a baby at first tilted her world off-axis, only to reveal itself, as the years went by, to be the thing that actually set her worldview at the exact right angle.
How was a boy who might otherwise live a life of invisibility to the world end up singing and dancing on stage as the brother of Elvis, speak Chinese without taking any courses, become the star of the show, and get medical treatment for Vulcan issues from Dr. Spock (Star Trek)? Throughchapters/lessons which relate hilarious, poignant, soul-stirring, and sometimes heartbreaking stories, Patti shows how challenges are made to be overcome, expectations are made to be surpassed, love is made to be unconditional, and that each person has unique abilities to lift humankind and change the world.
Although she initially thought her son didn't have the IQ to teach her much when he was born, and was ready and willing to spend her life coaching and teaching him, Patti shares how she was dramatically changed by Christopher's teachings about matters of the heart, of the soul and of the human family.
Masterfully interweaving a witty sense of humor, Patti turned what could easily have been a somber recounting into a genuinely enjoyable and uplifting book that is more than a charming memoir. It balances what could be a sensitive and sometimes sad topic-that of tackling life with a disabled child-while navigating the complexities of challenging events with clever wit and levity.
Anyone seeking enlightenment or amusement from life's provocations will enjoy this book, particularly family members impacted by having a child with developmental challenges or all who could grow by leaning into the unexpected. Patti explains that her transformation by the lessons her son offered allowed her to take the seriousness and hardships of life down a notch -to see and enjoy life through her son's perspectives of acceptance, love and happiness.
Referring to her son as her master teacher, Patti learned to see life through his perspective and discover the joy in situations requiring her to dig deeply into her own psyche to identify beliefs needing adjustment. She shares those changes with vulnerability and light-heartedness, while giving credit to her clever son who is respectfully referred to as her own Professor Higgins.