Heartwarming and inspirational, "The Undiscovered Master" is a true story regarding a man, his angel, and an old brown suitcase. Written by the man's son, 42 years after his father's death, the story briefly recounts the life of his father, his death, and his comic strip creation... an angel named OMEGA who was put into storage for over 41 years.
In 2019, the "OMEGA" Comic strips were discovered by a Cartoon Expert who convinced the family to share them with the World!
This book is the official launch and worldwide reveal of "OMEGA".
Robert "Bob" Briare created his Comic Strip Angel, named OMEGA, during his Air Force service in the Korean War. For the next 20 years, Bob would draw over 1,000 comic strips featuring the funny, little angel. Bob's friends and family loved them.
After his tragic death at the age of 47, these comic strips would be placed in an old, brown suitcase and lie hidden, in various basements for the next 41 years.
This is the story of "The Undiscovered Master"... The story of his creation... and OMEGA's official introduction to the World!
It is a book, unlike most other books. Part Biography, part Autobiography and 100% inspiring.
Features over 80 never before seen OMEGA Comic Strips.
Available as an E-Book or in Paperback.