Why is social justice important, and why does social justice matter?Social justice and diversity have reached the collective consciousness in recent years, with celebrities and politicians alike wading into issues of everyday bias and discrimination.
Refugee crises, access to health care, racial inequality, unconscious bias, woke racism, the injustice of social justice, discrimination and disparities are just some of the problems in the headlines and private discussions today. Readings for diversity & social justice have become more popular and advocacy for social justice has grown.
What are the social justice fallacies? And is everyone really equal? Unfortunately, these sensitive issues have mostly been swept under the rug for decades, considered too controversial for the general public.
Only now have phrases like anti-racism, equity over equality, implicit bias, white privilege and black rights, critical race theory and theory of justice become mainstream in our vocabulary and consciousness - no longer only for sociology books, civil rights books and social justice books. People finally talk about diversity oppression and change, how to be an antiracist, and human rights for everyone.
Reading books about social justice is a start, but awareness is just the first step.
A better understanding of issues around social justice and their causes is needed to address and resolve them to ultimately secure social justice for everybody and make human rights a way of life.
If you're serious about switching from equity talk to equity walk, fighting diversity and oppression, and making the world a fairer and more just place, you'll first need to comprehend how and why injustice is so prevalent and ingrained in our society. Readings for diversity & social justice can help with this.
In this reading of social justice, you'll find a broad analysis of the big issues around social justice and new insights that will challenge your understanding of what justice really means.
In this introduction to social justice, you will discover:
- An extensive look at the roots of social justice, the relevant social justice issues right now, and its lasting impact on society
- Important concepts and ideas around social justice that every single person should understand and internalize
- 9 types of oppression people are still experiencing today and the laws that seek to protect people from these abuses
- How governments can improve and expand access to basic needs like food, education, and healthcare so that we can build a just society where everyone can thrive
- Why equity not equality; why is equity and equality not the same - and why is equality not enough while equity is essential
- A roadmap for individuals, businesses, and governments to address equity & social justice issues in their own way
- How countries around the world handle social justice issues and which ones are worth emulating
And much more.
Even if you're not an activist, or a politician, you can still do your part. Take the first step now to understand social justice, how to fight racism, current issues around equity & social justice, and make human rights a way of life.
By knowing that systematic racism and biased systems exist and recognizing your part in them, you can do your part in slowly dismantling them through your words and actions.
The world still has a long way to go before we see the end of bias, and true equity and social justice have been achieved, but with everyone's help, that time will hopefully come sooner rather than later.
If you want to join the peaceful fights for equal rights, for social change and true equity, then scroll up and grab your copy of Understanding Social Justice now.