This document is for everyone who has an interest in depression - those of us who experience it, our friends and family, and those of us who provide services to help. It is an up-to-date summary of what the research says, written in everyday language. Given that depression is a vast subject, this report covers a wide range of topics. The sections are clearly signposted and self-contained, so that you can focus on the information that interests you.
Part 1 describes some experiences of depression. We hear how individual experiences are very different and how depression is a common and serious problem.
In Part 2, we identify some of the many complex, multi-layered and wide-ranging reasons that people become depressed.
In Part 3, we look at our mental health services, and what people who experience depression can expect when using these services, and in Part 4, we take a broader look at what can help us, and the people close to us, when we are depressed.
Addressing the issues raised in the document is a global challenge. Nevertheless, we, as individuals and in groups can take action to make a difference. We argue in this report that important aspects of society have become 'depressogenic', in other words, they can lead to depression. In Part 5 we consider how communities and societies can become 'antidepressant' (less likely to make us depressed and more helpful when we are depressed). How can we prevent depression rather than offering help only once people are depressed?
The final resources section gives details of some useful publications, websites, organisations and other resources.