During a time of lockdowns and darkened clubs, a dangerous game unfolds in the underworld of Manchester's most notorious criminal network...
In a gritty, lockdown-shadowed part of northern England, young detectives Emma and James O'Connor are thrust from their quiet, uneventful beat into the heart of a high-stakes undercover operation. Their target? Rafe Carter-a brilliant but ruthless drug lord who's turned the city into his empire and manipulated the system at every turn to stay untouchable.
The plan is daring: an abandoned nightclub reimagined as a sting operation, manned entirely by undercover officers posing as staff, designed to lure Rafe and his crew into one final trap. As Emma and James navigate this dangerous world-Emma as a hostess and James as the DJ-lines blur and tensions skyrocket. Their close bond is tested as they find themselves dodging threats at every corner, where one wrong move could blow their cover.
But as the police close in, Rafe proves that he's always one step ahead. With encrypted data hidden in fortified locations across the city, he won't go down without a fight. Secret codes, betrayals, and deadly guards turn each raid into a deadly game of cat and mouse. Emma, James, and the team know that any slip-up could be their last.
When they finally corner Rafe and think victory is theirs, a shocking twist shatters everything they've worked for. Just as he's within reach, Rafe slips through their fingers, vanishing back into the shadows of the city he once ruled, leaving Emma and James on edge, knowing he'll strike again.
Undercover Nights is a tense, twist-filled thriller of loyalty, deception, and survival where no one can be trusted, not even those on your side. Perfect for readers who love a gritty crime novel with high stakes and unforgettable characters.