The Summers family siblings are scattered across the Kingdom of Zarias after the death of their parents at the hands of the despotic madman Galren. Each must find their way in the world whether it be through war, magic, or battling their inner demons.
Dustin, the oldest, fights to stop a civil war from erupting in the north. But at what cost?
Zachary, the outcast, learns magic as a means to protect the world. But what lengths is he willing to go to?
Serena, the only daughter, struggles to contain the Berserker Rage passed down to her by her father. But can she control her growing anger?
Daniel, the young prodigy, fights to protect those he loves. But can his teenage shoulders handle the burden he places on himself?
Galren seeks to rule the world and he's joined by the vile necromancer Novah and their apprentice Rosalie.
As this is happening many adventurers are racing across the world trying to find the pieces of the Dewester Set, Mythic Items that grant the wearer extraordinary powers that can be further boosted by combining multiple pieces of the set.
There are many more characters in this epic tale that spans several viewpoints at once. Kingdom of Zarias is a world of magic, swords, fantasy, epic fights, and terrible monsters who lurk in the shadows.
This is the first book in the Kingdom of Zarias series.