Following his innovative first novel, Unshackled, J. Roy Vorhauer continues the tenuous tale of Jack and Tamara Ringler, an interracial couple struggling against the social prejudices of the early 1970s. Now married, the couple is transferred from Virginia to Mississippi, right in the heart of Cajun country where Jack's father was born and raised.
Undaunted is the second book in the Jack and Tamara Ringler trilogy. Starting in 1937, the story tells tale of Bayou Noir and the complex interracial relationships that lead to the dark times Jack and Tamara encounter.
As an African-American woman, Tamara has her work cut out for her, and the fact that she's an Air Force JAG lawyer doesn't seem to raise her status one bit in the locals' eyes. Only together can Tamara and Jack have any hope of fighting the insidious racism running Bayou Noir-through the sheriff's office and the local KKK. But will their efforts and their love be enough?
A unique glimpse into a tragic part of our history, Undaunted exposes the evil of ignorance and hatred while also revealing the power of courage and love.
About the Author: J. Roy Vorhauer is an educator with more than twenty-seven years of experience, and he is passionate about improving race relations. Having lived in Virginia since he was seven years old, he stayed in state to earn his bachelor's degree in education from Madison College, with focuses on history, social sciences, and English. He earned his master's and doctor of education degrees from the University of Virginia.
Vorhauer initially taught and coached at the high school level for five years before participating in an experimental program funded by the Ford Foundation and implemented by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Then, after serving four years as an assistant principal, he became one of the youngest large high school principals in Virginia when, at thirty-two, he accepted his first position as principal.
Vorhauer and his wife live in Williamsburg, Virginia, and they are proud parents to three grown daughters.