In the profound journey of "Unbroken Wings," Teren Hanz, a Conscious Living Practitioner, takes you through a poignant exploration of life's twists and turns. A single day unfolds into a gripping odyssey, exposing the true length of the road to freedom.
Draped in dreams - dreams of a shared future, a young bride hurled and left marooned, finds herself facing the unnerving prospect of starting life from scratch.
"Unbroken Wings", a tale of betrayal, deception and enigmas is set out in three continents, Asia, Africa and Europe. A single mother faces the struggles of a depraved marriage followed by challenges bringing up three young hearts beating in sync with hers. It's a story of tears of a mother and may be somewhat mirrors yours.
But Teren admits, "It was during these times, I realised how important it was for me to be far away from my comfort zone to see myself, to feel myself and to know who I really was and to bring the best of myself."
Thus making "Unbroken Wings" a story about unwavering spirit rising above adversity and the potent energy inside you beckoning for change.
"No problems mean - limited to full human experience; one just has to find the strength to rise and rebuild, "quote by Teren Hanz - teacher, Mentor, author.
Teren also warns that problems just happen when we least expect. That is how life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change. This is a story that speaks to the quiet power within us.
Unbroken Wings will keep readers on the edge of their seats eager to know the antagonist's next chess moves - his traits and mood swings. Find out how long does this Jekyll and Hyde character thrives on his manipulative manoeuvres?
A friend once commented, "Teren gave me an 'Oyster Card' for life - a tool that opened doors to a world of endless opportunities which I could not see or feel. Like a force of nature, Teren helped my children too to find their North Star which provided them the much-needed direction in life."
Most the most of the Power of Now - take that crucial first step toward self-discovery to reinvent something unusual and explore the astonishing depths of your indomitable spirit.
Grab your copy of "Unbroken Wings" now!