Like the contents of many books, this one has been inside its author (me), aching to get out since I was a teenager in the 1960s. Not the specific content so much as an intent to share the world as I see it - sardonically, humorously, ridiculously, admiringly, comically, bittersweetly, tongue-in-cheekly (yea, I know it's not a word), uproariously, wryly, amusingly, lightheartedly, absurdly, screamingly, pricelessly, farcically, and waggishly. Put that all together and you will have the lens I look through.
So, I hope you can find reasons to lighten up in these pages. If you do, thanks in advance for keeping the circle going with your friends, family, and just people you run into (not literally).
How the Humor is Divided. This book contains my original writing designed to help you lighten up as you read it, in any order, on any page. The book is divided into eight parts, which are lightening up about Ourselves, Relationships, Work, Money, Health, Religion, Politics, and Growth and Change. You'll find at least one of each of the following types of writing or visuals in each part of the book:
- ProFUNdities - A made up quote by made up person on the topic.
- Mindful Musings - An original rant or essay on the topic.
- Divine Doggerel - Original Poetry aiming to be heavenly but often not.
- Petite Parables - An original on-topic short-short story.
- Tacit Toons - A crude original and tacitly related cartoon.
- Over Exposures - Photos of the author in unusual situations.
You'll also find three appendices: A Lighten Up Glossary, References for Lightening Up, and Go ahead, take a peak, I'll wait.
Open the book anywhere, and in five minutes of perusing, see if you aren't at least smiling. If not, try to get your money back. If they won't give it to you, consider having your heart examined. That's right, your heart. I mean, any old fool can think about something and force a chuckle. But laughing at good humor requires your heart be involved in some way, even if subservient to the taskmaster mind. Here's to laughing with you.