Behind each cosmic force, each spectrum or oneiric manifestation of the unconscious exists, the form of a rarefied statement that the seeker will try to put together like someone who puts together enigmas, the search for and resolution of the [lights in the sky, or flying cities of gold Pure, it's just another one. In ancient times they were the Dragons whose number and numen were secret according to Borges], Today they are the flying saucers. It is possible that the meaning and key to all this is found in the remotest past.
"In itself, life could represent a form of palimpsest written by us in us, embodied in a book form in the now."
All these iconographic aggregates in the life of the seeker, such as seeing crosses in the skies, flying objects, maidens and unicorns as a whole represent the super being, John Keel names them with the title of Superspectre, they are in their cohort the manifestation of the unconscious that will express itself as destiny and see in time a form of metal mirror, where the past is future, part of an enigma and plan within the circle of time, it is we who place in our life all metaphor and the time necessary for the resolution of the enigma of all our lives.
In itself the world is the manifestation of our interior, a mirror in which to look at ourselves that in the end will be discovered to be circular, a ruin of experiences or a Florentine city in part a utopia. The world with all these imaginary Monsters exists because we observe it, man is the great witness and puppet of all this metaphysical process that involves its maximum sun, the Christ, above all things represents the cross, the universal spirit and axis mundi " also the Vitruvian man whose center is the same, man as the center of the cosmos "the free man", "central image of the real, the man within the squaring of the circle" and [something in the form of ruins of architecture, that evokes the effigy of knowledge], seeing plate-shaped objects, the flying city or the boat that symbolizes the lost world in the stories of Jonathan Swift.