Twizzle Brown and Lenny Sparkle is the first in a series of books written by Cassie Stafford and illustrated by Harriet Hue. A squirrel stood and sang aloud the most enchanting song.
A mole popped up from underground and asked "What's going on?"
A rabbit thumped her foot and laughed, she thought it was a joke
When she saw the frog that danced and pranced and curtsied with a croak.
An enchanting tale of wonder, magic and new friendships (and includes a fabulous tea party).
About the Author: Author - Cassie Stafford
I love to read, especially children's books. There is something about children's literature that catapults me back to a time when everything was magical - Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and of course real magic! My favourite time of day is curling up with my children and reading to them, I love to watch their little faces as they start to indulge in their own little world of make believe. I love the fact that they still believe in magic (and of course so do I!) I teach my children that anything is possible... because it is, dream big I say!
I started writing when I was very young, I was a little girl with a big imagination. I would come up with stories and write them down on little pieces of paper. When I had my children I found myself creating stories for them to enjoy. They are undoubtedly my biggest fans.
I started writing full-time in 2009 after completing an Open University Creative Writing Course. I also work part-time as a Teaching Assistant in Early Years.
I live in the sunny seaside town known as Whitstable in Kent, with my husband and two enchanting children. I love bike rides down by the sea and rummaging through the baskets in the local charity shops. I'm a bit quirky with no real fashion sense and get by with the odd gem in a charity shop. We keep chicken's, guinea pigs and we have a bouncy, gorgeous pup called Buddy.
Harriet Hue: Illustrator
Harriet started doodling very early on in her life, pen and paper was her first love. Chocolate being a close second... and still is to this day!
Gaining a 1st Class Fine Art University Degree in 2001 and then even more education (eat that Mr Spalding) in Brighton, where she learnt computer design such as Adobe Illustrator; was her first bold step into realising her childhood dreams of becoming an Artist... and affording more chocolate! (Did you know painting a picture burns off about eight Kit Kats!!!)
Now having kids of her own, seeing them read and really get into stories... they are the inspiration behind her drawings and she has even started writing thanks to them.
She lives near the sea, likes running, swimming (when it's not too cold!)... and still can't parallel park.