As Baz Lurhman once said ‘The most interesting people are the ones who still don’t know what they want to do.” It’s okay to be confused in your twenties. It’s okay to NOT know. Ok Peeps, why don’t we get straight to the point. Do we really know what we want in our twenties? Yes and No. Are we confused? The hell we are. For Mimi Hittalmani, a confused twenty something life is about to begin. After getting sacked by her bad ass editor for attending a silly Bollywood bash, clotted with a nasty breakup; Mimi decides to expand her worldview. Two years later, armed with a foreign degree and some flashy Aussie stories she begins her mis-adventures in Mumbai where she meets the gorgeous Mehra brothers and falls in love with all three at once. Mimi then joins the carnival and let’s herself go on the train of chaos, cacophony, camera and drama. She’s glad; her co passengers are all potential soul mates, she never met; the brotherhood of lost loves. From then on the joy ride of working, flirting, schmoozing, networking, hiring ‘tight assed’ women and finally falling in love become part of Mimi’s quirky and hilarious journey. By the end she realizes that the twenties are indeed twisted; it’s ok to goof up, jump courses, change careers, flout opinions and of course chat up four guys at once!
About The Author
Deepali Junjappa AKA Dipu Darko found herself in a dream that weaved in one passing night. Dreamer, Imaginer and Hallucinator she started drawing portraits at an early age and wandered off to deep thickets where in, she devoured stories, faeries, mysteries and fantastical grandeour. Of late, she’s a story teller and believes she was born to spill dreams that have been living inside her for the last six hundred moons. On a lighter note, after she completed her Masters in Creative Writing from Macquarie University Australia, she worked for various newspapers, magazines and wrote many TV shows especially of the fantastical variety: Hatim, Arslaan and Hello Dollie. Circa 2014, she’s published her first novel The Twisted Twenties–A hilarious and dazed account of being confused in your twenties. Check it out, if you're up for a ride! Deepali Junjappa completed her Masters in Creative Writing from Macquarie University Australia.
After completing her graduation she worked as a content writer for 2Ser Radio in Australia, later as a reporter in Indian Express with a column in the magazine, The Brief. She then joined the television industry and wrote/conceptualized many TV shows like Hatim, Hello Dollie, Hotel Kingston, Arslaan and Suvreen Guggal. Circa 2014, she’s conducting writing workshops along with a friend through their company Of Heroes and Villains. Her year shuffles between writing sessions, book readings, stand up comedy and annual pilgrimages to New York City.