Experience one of television's greatest science fiction series: The Twilight Zone. This collection of episodes is fully dramatized for audio and features a full cast, music, sound effects, and narration by some of today's biggest celebrities.
The Obsolete Man (starring Jason Alexander)
A librarian in a future society where books and religion are banned is declared obsolete and sentenced to die in a manner of his own choosing.
Back There (starring Jim Caviezel)
A man tries to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln when he finds himself thrust back in time. But can he actually change history?
A Short Drink from a Certain Fountain (starring Adam West)
An aging man desperate to keep his much younger wife from leaving him tries a highly experimental youth serum. To his wife's delight, his youth is restored--but does it work too well?
Nervous Man in a Four-Dollar Room (starring Adam Baldwin)
A small-time hood in a four-dollar-a-day room is ordered to kill a man. In a mirror he sees the reflection of the man he could have been--and still could become if he makes the right decision.
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (starring Frank John Hughes)
A mysterious power failure causes paranoid suburban residents to suspect one another of being disguised creatures from outer space.
Escape Clause (starring Mike Starr)
A man makes a pact with the devil for immortality, then finds he doesn't get a kick out of living anymore.