Meet Malcolm, an ambitious young artist sculpting a work in a ramshackle garage behind his parents' working class home. Consumed by love for both his art and his neighbor Cynthia, his dreams are crushed when his tyrannical father deliberately destroys his just-completed sculpture.
That destruction, however, sets Malcolm on a course to his destiny. That course will lead him from suburban Virginia to New York City, a magnificent art studio, and public acclaim. But it will also take him away from Cynthia.
On the road, Malcolm grows and matures. He comes into his own, yet he's unable to completely leave home behind. That oppressive environment, and the one bright spot that was Cynthia, will be with Malcolm always.
Will he succeed? Will he make his mark on the world? Will he be happy? Will he successfully maneuver through the Turning Point?
Bunny Shulman was raised on Long Island in an artistic and intellectual environment, filled with education and cultural activities. Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Bennington College, she initiated and directed an arts program for both children and adults, which included dance, drama, painting, and sculpture. Fully engaged in the world of dance, Ms. Shulman choreographed and performed with various professional companies in the New York area.
After retiring from the stage, her attention turned to the written word, and she began to write in earnest. A number of short stories have been published in various magazines and newspapers. Themes of family, love, and desire are evident in her two previously published novels, Timed Exposures and On My Eyes, and have been the subject of numerous book clubs.
Happily married, the mother of two daughters, and grandmother of two children, Ms. Shulman currently resides in Florida in a home filled with sunlight and walls of art, and spends time in Southampton, New York.