About the Book
The 2016 Election Campaign has been a wildly crazy race, and since Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee things got even crazier, as Trump continued his tirades and insults, based judges, rivals, and opponents alike, and generally acted like a schoolyard bully in elementary school. Despite calls to act presidential, Trump has continued to mostly be the same old Trump, and the social media has erupted with all kinds of cartoon images of Trump in a rage and sometimes literally blowing his top. And social media wits have called him all kinds of names, from Dingleberry Don and Don the Demented to Trumpelthinskin. Meanwhile, psychologists and pundits have wondered about his sanity, describing him as a needy narcissist, sociopath, early stage Alzheimer's case, and generally just plain nuts. It is in this spirit that TRUMP IS NUTS! was born. All of these comments about whether Don was just acting as an entertainer continually seeking attention and admiration or whether he was truly a crazy nutcase led me to think about all the ways in which Trump might be nuts, and I teamed up again with the illustrator Nick Alexander who had worked with me on thinking of Trump as a series of extinct creatures and early humans, from the Trumposaurus and Saber Tooth Trump to the Neandertrum and Homo Trumpien. So what kind of nuts? Well there are Cashew Nut Trumps, Almond Nut Trumps, Pistachio Nut Trumps, and of course there are Mixed Up Trump Nuts and Trump Trail Nuts, as well as Nut Cases and Nut Trees. And just like there have been Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka, maybe a line of Trump Nuts will be next. So is Trump really nuts? Well, try sampling some of the Trump Nuts in this book and see.
About the Author: Gini Graham Scott has published over 50 books with mainstream publishers, focusing on social trends, work and business relationships, and personal and professional development. Some of these books include Scammed, Lies and Liars: How and Why Sociopaths Lie and How to Detect and Deal With Them, and What Kind of Dog Are You? She has written a series of unique commentaries on the 2016 election which include: 2016 Election Fairy Tales, 2016 Election Monsters, Myths, and Mayhem, The Battles of Donnie and Teddy: 4 Children's Stories About the 2016 Election for Adults, and Trump Is Nuts! She has gained extensive media interest for previous books, including appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, Montel Williams, CNN, and hundreds of radio shows. She is often quoted by the media and has websites at www.ginigrahamscott.com and www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com. She has about 45,000 listings in Google Search Results. She has been a regular Huffington Post blogger since December 2012 and has a Facebook page for her books and films at www.facebook.com/changemakerspublishing. These stories about the election first appeared as Huffington Post blogs. She has written, produced, and sometimes directed over 60 short videos, which are featured on her Changemakers Productions website at www.changemakersproductions.com and on YouTube at www.youtube.com/changemakersprod. Her screenplays, mostly in the drama, crime, legal thriller, and sci-fi genres, include several dealing with changes in science, technology, business, and society, including The New Child, New Identity, and Dead No More. These are in development with trailers, business plans, and interested directors and talent. Her feature, Suicide Party #Save Dave, which she wrote and executive produced, will be released by RSquared Films, in the summer 2016. Details are at www.suicidepartyfilm.com. Her second feature Driver has just been filmed and will be released in 2017. More details are at www.facebook.com/driverthefilm. She has a PhD in sociology from U.C. Berkeley and MAs in anthropology, pop culture and lifestyles, recreation and tourism, and organizational/consumer/audience behavior from Cal State, East Bay. She is getting an MA in communications there in 2017. She is also the Creative Director of Publishers, Agents and Films (www.publishersagentsandfilms.com), a service which connects writers to publishers, agents, and the film industry.