About the Book
Whenever persons who are nominal Christians come in contact with the word, `Sanctification', the image conjured in their minds is, demand for a level of `holiness' that sucks all of the joy out of life. They think sanctification, or holiness means not being able to joke (a 'joke' is not the same thing as a 'jest'), not being able to laugh, not being able to dance, not being able to enjoy life, for enjoying life means not caring for the second coming of Jesus Christ. With such images in mind, whenever the terms, holiness or sanctification become ubiquitous in church sermons, typically nominal Christians head for the doors, that is, from the inside, out. But then, the fear in hearts and minds of nominal Christians that sanctification sucks the joy out of life is a real and present fear. Truth is, a `sucking of joy out of life' is exactly what is taught by many churches as evidence that a person who has faith in Jesus Christ is sanctified. Of the churches who do not present sanctification in such a manner, typically there is a swing to the other extreme, a characterization of essence of discipleship to Christ as laissez-faire, as entirely up to a person who believes in Christ. These two alternate and extreme characterizations of sanctification and holiness both are falsehoods that suck all of the joy out of discipleship to Jesus Christ.If you are a seeker after truth, who as yet is undecided on his or her rubric for spirituality, a person who seeks to arrive at an intellectual, yet spiritual understanding of what Christians mean by the term, 'Sanctification', I recommend to you this book, 'True Sanctification'. If you ever have professed faith in Christ, then gotten disenchanted, and given up on your faith in Christ, but yet entertain doubts, I assure you that if you buy this book, 'True Sanctification', that you will arrive at a better understanding of the faith that you have jettisoned, that you will understand exactly why you got disenchanted, that you will arrive at a rekindling of your interest in Christ. If you are a nominal Christian, I say: "If you would run towards, as opposed to away from sanctification you will experience peace and joy that passes understanding." If you hitherto have been a judgmental, sanctimonious Christian, I say: "Yes, it is true sanctification is expected to produce holiness, and 'Yes' it is true a head start on morality can and does count for something. But if delight in sanctification produces a judgmental, critical spirit that pulls down, as opposed to builds up, it is not founded on peace and joy that is of the Holy Spirit, is man produced, not God produced, as such does not have any value for pleasing of The Lord Jesus Christ." To the Christian who truly humbly has submitted to Jesus Christ, but has yet to experience peace and joy of sanctification I say: "The reason you have yet to experience peace and joy is, you have yet to understand the process of sanctification as it ought to be understood. This book, `True Sanctification', is The Father's response to what is lacking in your knowledge, such that you now are able to arrive at peace and joy in midst of your relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." To the Christian who already is experiencing the teachings in this book, who is experiencing fellowship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who deeply understands what it means to be reconciled, via sanctification, to the only wise God, our Father in Heaven, I say: "Here friend is that tool for which you always have longed, the tool that enables furnishing of your friends with a better understanding of what it is you are experiencing, the tool that furnishes your friends with a richer, fuller, better, `closer to the truth' understanding of what it means to be sanctified by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."True Sanctification is God's process for helping you arrive at the best version of your self.