A TRUE HISTORY of long-lost love, mistaken identity, bondage, migrations, wars, kings, sacrifice, covenants from the Almighty, and 10 Commandments for a fruitful life. Regardless of the family you come from, the truth of who the Israelites were, ARE, and who isn't them; is one of most important truths of our times. Not because of falsely perceived superiority, but because of what the Israelites were always meant to be - a light towards God's love and nature.
Get ready to dissolve many deceit filled assumptions, and replace them with a framework built on the rock of truth. This will unlock the Bible like never before and prove it as the ultimate source of truth.
Because the scriptures are nearly 1/3 prophecy, once they are ALL applied to the right people of today, ALL OF THE PROPHECIES for them line up. Such as the Israelites losing sight of their true heritage [Hos 1:9-10].
Throughout these pages remember that truth never contradicts and like the greatest person who ever walked the face of the Earth once said, "The truth will set you free."
Now let's update our models with sound understanding, wisdom, love, and courage. It's time to follow Christ out of the colossal Israelite deception, and away from those that seek to do injustice through it.
It's been along time coming.
Like John the Baptist, my aim is to make straight the way for God, so all people may find Him.