About the Book
This essential, empowering health reference manual is far more than following a healthy diet and a general fitness plan. It presents the many factors that are at the root of the disease epidemic of poor health in our world, and the many hidden reasons for the diminishing intelligence, degenerating genetic integrity, and deteriorating mental/emotional state of human beings. The reader is presented with real, lasting, and effective solutions to protect one from the constant onslaught of health threatening challenges upon their health, and the one true way of restoring optimal health and revealing one's greater human potential. There is a necessary unlearning and re-education process in order to begin to manage one's health free from conflicting propaganda, hype and obstructive, veiled information that may have governed their socially programmed, disease care perspective all of their life. Evidence-based, time-proven holistic nutritional health and integrative fitness protocols have been applied successfully by he author's clients, students, audiences and readership for over thirty-five years in her professional nutritional healing and sports nutrition practice. A new approach as to how we must manage our health has now reached a critical, pivotal tipping point, for the choices we make directly affects our economics, politics, the media and educational system (or lack of), and determines the corporate, agricultural, and medical industries' behaviors. Their behaviors have dictated how the world's citizens live, think and believe, and whole populations throughout the world have been governed, controlled and exploited without building a foundation of a thoroughly nourished, physically fit and enlightened citizenry. As we face new and unprecedented challenges that threaten our very existence as a species on this planet, the profound health changes we make that reveal our true human potential offer surprisingly simple solutions to the serious problems in the outer world, for they are merely a reflection of the ecological condition within the inner universe of the human body. What goes into one's body determines whether there are diseased conditions or vibrant health, and is the key to either creating or resolving many problems. The necessary paradigm shift in the collective mindset means realizing we are a part of nature. Believing we are separate from it and treating it indifferently has proven futile and dangerous to our existence.When we violate nature, we violate our health. When we exploit and disrupt the balance of nature, producing nutrient void, toxic foods and exhausting our natural resources rather than maintaining self-regenerting systems that are in cooperation with nature, we cheat ourselves of the bountiful and regenerative effect on our health that nature offers. The author explains the shift toward a new paradigm that she observed in her clients for over three decades as they learned how to transform their physical health through her unique, nutrient dense nutritional food choice system, and a holistic approach to fitness management, which consistently resulted in disovering a higher realm of living in their newly revealed, whole health vibrancy. Given the state of the world's chaos as a result of misunderstanding nature's purpose and the exploitation and depletion of natural resources, a new paradigm shift in thinking is simultaneously countering this damage. With a sense of critical urgency, the author shows how each individual, in a collective effort of ever increasing numbers of other health conscious individuals, can make the vital personal, everyday choices that discourage ravaging the Earth's resources and result in a toxic, depleted world. We are an extension and an intricate part of all living things. True health mastery cannot be accomplished without acknowledging and respecting this fundamental truth.
About the Author: With over 35 years experience as a nutrition science physiology and alternative medicine research writer, the author has educated her clients, students and audiences about the essential connection between understanding and applying complete and correct nutrition, and mastering one's health--for life. As a nutritional healing, healthy lifestyle consultant, coach and mentor, sports nutritionist and youthful athlete at age 60, she has proven that a combination of factors must be in synergy in order to reveal one's higher and greater potential. A solid foundation of true health based on a combined health management protocol of biologically correct, nutrient dense, whole nutrition, and a multi-disciplined approach to lifelong fitness results in improved mental, psychological, emotional states, an elevated personal life perspective and profound life improvement changes. This is the fundamental key to not only awakening an individual's whole health potential as their personal choices affect whole economies toward less pollution and restoring nature, but to also enlightening entire populations as a whole, who naturally come together to create a better, more peaceful and balanced world. The author is an honors graduate of the Clayton College of Natural Health, having earned a Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in Holistic Nutrition. She is also a summa cum laude honors graduate of Kaplan University with a Bachelors degree in Nutrition Science. She is a member of the International Golden Key Honor Society, and the Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society and Alumni of Kaplan University. She has been a long-standing member of the American Holistic Health Association and the American Association of Nutritional Consultants. She is currently active in educating the public with the knowledge needed for profound change in the many aspects of our modern world that affect the health of millions and the critical ecology of the planet that supports all life.