Author Bob Willis has documented decades of flyfishing for every salmonid species in North America
in this intriguing new book. Willis' insatiable appetite
for adventure keeps every trip interesting, down craggy
dirt roads miles from anywhere.
The author catches over 25 species and subspecies,
including Apache & gila trout, arctic char, blueback
trout, brooks, browns (landlocked and sea-run),
bulls, aurora trout, Dollies, lakers, splake, steelhead,
goldens, cutthroat (all subspecies), cuttbows, tigers,
grayling, sunapee (they do exist), redband, whitefish
and more.
Every corner of North America is fished, from
Iceland (part of it is considered North America) to
Alaska and all fishy spots in between.
Willis' personal writing style seeks to bring readers
with him on each journey, waiting out cattle drives,
changing flat tires, hooking surprise rod-bending fish,
and up sheer mountainsides continent-wide.
Detailed trip information is included at the end
of each chapter to help you plan your trip.
Whether you want to fish for the rare and common
salmonids of North America or you enjoy a good
flyfishing adventure, this is an exciting read and book.