"Trouble In Heaven" is the second book in the "Journey to the West" series of stories by Jeff Pepper and Xiao Hui Wang. Other titles include "Rise of the Monkey King," "The Immortal Peaches" and "The Young Monk." Sun Wukong, the Handsome Monkey King, is one of most famous characters in Chinese literature and culture. His legendary bravery, his foolish mistakes, his sharp-tongued commentary and his yearning for immortality and spiritual knowledge have inspired hundreds of books, television shows, graphic novels, video games and films.
In this book, the second story in the "Journey to the West" series, we cover the events of chapters 3 and 4 in the original epic. Things begin to unravel for Sun Wukong, as he starts to see the consequences of his outrageous actions. While trying to defend his troop of monkeys, he manages to offend the underwater Dragon King, the Dragon King's mother, all ten Kings of the Underworld, and the great Jade Emperor himself. Finally, goaded by a couple of troublemaking demons, he goes too far, calling himself the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and setting events in motion that will cause him some serious trouble.
The story is written, as much as possible, using the 600 word vocabulary of HSK 3. It is presented in simplified Chinese characters and pinyin, and includes an English version and complete glossary. Additional study aids are on our website, www.imagin8press.com.
About the Author: Jeff Pepper is a writer, publisher, computer scientist and CEO. He has started and led several successful tech companies, authored two software related books, and holds three U.S. software patents. In 2017 he started Imagin8 Press (www.imagin8press.com) to serve English-speaking students of Chinese. In collaboration with Xiao Hui Wang, he has written six books based on the Chinese classic novel "Journey to the West." He received a B.S. in Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University, where he taught computer science.
Xiao Hui Wang (translator) is a native Chinese speaker born in China. She came to the United States for studies in biomedical neuroscience and medical imaging, and has more than 25 years of experience in academic and clinical research. She has been teaching Chinese for more than 10 years, with extensive experience in translating English to Chinese as well as Chinese to English.