What is the easiest way to learn Spanish? Why children do not need to learn grammar rules?
They learn by imitation.
This game will help you learn in the most fun way. You will be able to play with other students and also through Facebook groups. It has 420 questions classified in 6 categories.
To start the game you need to use the roulette of babel in:
https: //triviatolearnspanish.com/
The Fun And easiest way to Learn Spanish. (Intermediate Level Students)
QUESTIONSWe have created for you 420 questions organized in 6 sections Dele Test, Proverbs, Dilemmas, Verbs, Choices, Hobbies. Each Category has a different score according to the importance in the learning experience.
The questions cover aspects of everyday life; questions about preferences and also moral DILEMMAS .All languages - including SPANISH - are much more than just word lists and grammar rules. Languages exist to communicate and connect people. This game teaches you conversational SPANISH so that you can find what to say in a given situation. This is rarely taught in class.
DELE TESTWould you be able to pass a Cervantes Institute test and get your diploma? This category helps you to prepare your exam as it contains multiple choice DELE questions.
PROVERBSAll languages have proverbs or sayings that are used in colloquial language and are part of popular wisdom. How would you say "better safe than sorry"? This quiz is a fun way to find it out.
VERBSSentences in spanish with the verb in the infinitive between parentheses. You will have to conjugate the verb to get it right.
DILEMMASMoral dilemmas are thought experiments that ask you to imagine a difficult situation and decide what you think would be the morally correct course of action. There are no truly "correct" answers to these questions.
LIKES AND CHOICESYour choices are part of who you are. Help us find what makes you happy. Fun Quizz game with three options.
HOBBIESYou need to relax and have fun, but not everyone does it the same way. It's time to know how you do it. Translate into english and choose one option.A game for any occasion. You can play with any mobile device.
To operate the roulette: https: //triviatolearnspanish.com/