About the Book
Trinity and Live Oak is all about Trinity Episcopal Church and Live Oak Cemetery in Pass Christian. The first part of the book is a history of Trinity Church and its role call of Rectors that begins with Dr. Thomas Savage - credited with being the first person to broadcast to the world about the African gorilla, its habitat, and its customs. In furtherance of the church's history is the catastrophic destruction by Hurricane Camille of Trinity Church, which was built in 1849 - and its resurrection and re-consecration into a newly replicated Gothic edifice. In a separate historic revelation, is the story of Live Oak Cemetery, beginning with its inception in 1851. In what Ellis refers to as a Storybook Land, is revealed in 130 pages packed with more than 350 photographs - most of which are grave side sights enmeshed within an enumeration of more than 1000 burial sites. These include plot descriptions, names, dates, places, espousal and parental relationships, and biblical and poetic statements as read from memorial inscriptions posted on monuments, pinnacles, stones, slabs, urns, etc. In a detailed research of the area known as the "Old Section" - the original 1851 deed transfer shows 154 plots measuring 20-by-20-feet with a capacity for 12 grave sites each. A special attempt was made to research each of the interred for an expanded notation of their life existence in Pass Christian. Relevant points of interest include community endeavor, public offices held, occupations, places of residence, children, and other community data. A survey of information denotes that ten of the original plots are void of names or apparent markers due to hurricane destruction or neglect. Of the remaining 144 plot sites, there are forty-seven military branch affiliations designated by war eras ranging from the Civil War to Vietnam, with some references to the American Revolution. Also found, are special recognition markers which include three DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), one official C.S.A. marker, several Masonic designations, and five WOW (Woodmen of the World) pinnacles. There are three former Church Rectors and twelve former town mayors interred. Among the grave sites are: 28 founding members of the Town Library - including its first president, six recipients of the cherished "Outstanding Citizen Award," six former Commodores of the Pass Christian Yacht Club - including its first Commodore. Also, disclosed are; the first Pass Christian Eagle Scout, the first PCI Golf Club Pro, the first Chamber of Commerce president, the first Postmaster, a founding member of the Pass Christian Historical Society, and the organizer of the First Gulf Coast Tarpon Rodeo as was held at Pass Christian. Other leaders found, had performed official duties for Harrison County government: the first Chancery Court Clerk, the first Sheriff, and the first Police Board (Supervisors) President. -And, one who was appointed the U.S. Surveyor General for the Northwest territory. Not obscure, are three ladies who operated private schools, seven owner/operators of hotels, eighteen doctors, and four druggists More than 35 prominent families are written up in Cameo profiles that portray their significant contributions. Of further interest are short stories of grave site remembrances that include the "Lost Child," the "Last Duel," and the "First New Orleans style Jazz Funeral." Not lost in the maze of photographed monuments, is the background scenery showing the many trees that provide shade cover and exhibit an ambiance of nature's glory in a kaleidoscopic reproduction of serene beauty. This is the 17th book in a series of local legacy histories written and published by Dan Ellis
About the Author: Originally from New Orleans, in 1990, Ellis established permanent residence at his Pass Christian weekend home. His interest in writing lead to publishing vignette columns in local newspapers. Upon researching for his first community heritage book, he realized that a significant amount of misinformation abounded. This resulted in his seeking primary source information from archival records in Mobile, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana, and from local courthouses and churches. Ellis's books are filled with treasured photographs and maps; and he takes special effort to seek out individuals, whether obscure or prominent - those who can add a touch of personal experience by revealing anecdotal interviews. Not being able to find a publisher, Ellis was determined to get his history books to the general public, so he learned to be a self-publisher and now distributes his history books through bookstores and gift shops and the Internet. He also publishes much information to his several web sites providing free access to information and photographs. Ellis's books are computerized in order to enable easy updating and error corrections. He calls himself an Historiographer and Scrutinier, which simply translates to a "writer of history with authenticity." Since Hurricane Katrina, Ellis has chosen Eureka Springs, Arkansas as his new home base.