About the Book
The Mueller Report failed to charge Trump with four criminal counts due to Trump's Dept. of Justice policy -- not rule, not law, and not statute --that Trump, as sitting (golfing) president was above the law -- could not be charged. Trump escaped being impeached -- removed from office due to treasonous Republican Senators betraying the Government by voting Conservative Party over Country. Meanwhile, Trump abused/used office of president as if it were a private for-profit business, with him as its CEO, hiring agency directors, who had openly lobbied against the very agency they now headed, to wit, Scalia as head of the Labor Dept. with history of being for business and against labor, Secretary of Education, DeVos, who is against public education and for private and parochial schools, and Trump abused/misused federal agencies to reward donors regardless of their training, experience, or qualifications, fired all who did not agree with Trump 100%, slandered, demeaned and verbally assaulted all who opposed him, trashed all things Obama out of personal spite and envy -- the health and welfare of American citizens be damned! Trump trashed the Constitution, threatened war with North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela, alienated our foreign friends Germany, France, Canada, Italy, while sucking up to Russia's Putin, North Korea's Kim Jung-un, Poland's Duda. and Brazil's Bolsonanaro -- Conservative extremists everyone. Trump lied/deceived Americans to "Make America Great Again: while overthrowing our Constitutional Republic for a dictatorship run by Trump. January 2020, Trump launched his propaganda blitzkrieg that Covid-19 was "under control," would go away in "April's warmer weather," was "no more a threat than the common flu," with criminal indifference to Americans' lives, refused to organize, provide, and distribute, tests, safety gear, ventilators, masks to doctors, nurses, and ambulance/EMT personnel, while the dead were piled into refrigerated trucks. He threatened to deny federal aid to states which did not "open" as Trump ordered, while the dead were piled into refrigerated trucks. Trump suggested Covid-19 victims drink disinfectants as a cure, and blamed America's highest Covid-19 cases on "testing," arguing the US should cease and desist so much testing, duping Americans into believing those not tested couldn't have covid-19. Experts urged everyone to wear a mask in public, not to be in crowds of more than 10-50, and to stay at least 6 feet away from others. Instead of providing leadership by example, Trump refused to wear a mask, presumably because he wanted to flaunt his dyed yellow hair, held rallies of unmasked supporters, and thumbed his nose at the 6-foot distance requirement. Meanwhile, elderly Covid-19 victims died alone. Trump used tear gas, rubber bullets and mounted police to clear the streets around the White House so he could lead a parade for a photo-op holding up a Bible in front of a neighboring convenient church, he did not attend. (Trump played golf on the Sabbath). Trump violated the Republicans' sacred vow "State's Rights," by sending Federal troops to war against those protesting the police murder of George Floyd, calling the protesters "arsonists, anarchists, thugs, and thieves," and exploiting the unrest occurring during his watch, in part. due to his arrogant racist, divisive, hate-filled diatribes, now hails himself the "law and order" President, as did Nixon, who resigned a "crook." Little Giant and beloved Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies. Her tiny body still warm, evil predator Trump disrespects Justice Ginsburg by maliciously appointing a Justice her opposite. and for the THIRD time, violates the Constitution's promise of "equal Justice for all" and a "fair and impartial Federal judiciary. Watching the Country Dr. Otis had loved as a child being "kidnapped" by Trump- taken against its will to cause harm, with no one able or willing to save the Republic from Trump, Dr. Otis did.