The objective of this book is to engage parents and children to read together. The story is about a living cat that traveled during the months of March through May 2020 from Brooklyn, New York, to Williston, South Carolina.
The adventures are as exciting as taking a trip with your family to just about anywhere in the United States, during a time not ever experienced by the current generation: COVID-19 pandemic.
Vinnie has a few stops in his adventure; Vinnie meets new people, new modes of travel, and discovers that his Brooklyn life and current life have forever changed.
Parents will enjoy the interaction with their children as many decisions will have to be made to complete the entire adventure story.
The authors will ask you questions along Vinnie's adventure so you and your parent(s) or co-reader can help you answer the question(s). Why?
The book is designed to use imagination and critical thinking skills related to changed social conditions in the United States and the rest of the world. The changes were caused by the disease commonly known as COVID-19 or the "new world flu pandemic."
COVID-19 is a powerful microscopic bug or virus that has challenged current and will impact future generations in many ways: being able to visit friends, family, restaurants, food stores, animal supply companies, and many other businesses. Ready to have some fun?
(*) Can you think of any other types of businesses that have been affected by COVID-19? Point and say out loud the listed and other known businesses affected:
(*) Parents' jobs
(*) Ice cream shops
(*) Schools
(*) Pizza parlor
(*) The President of the United States
(*) Government offices
(*) Shoe shops
(*) Movie theaters
(*) Discuss others you may know
VERY GOOD! The entire list and others you identified have all been affected.
Vinnie has a special gift! Vinnie can understand many languages and is able to act upon any new information received; furthermore, Vinnie leaves Brooklyn, New York, to try and find a new way of life.