With awesome bravery, Kyla Allmond serves Transparent Trauma, her raw story, across a bountiful, literary table. The tablecloth is courageously woven with unadulterated truth, horror and at completion, beautiful surrender and honor. Thirteen chapters delve into the insidious world of sexual abuse Kyla suffered from childhood into her young adult years.
It is difficult to imagine how loving, doting and seemingly protective parents can suddenly transform into monstrous provacateurs and sinister minded abusers. Kyla takes us behind the curtain and exposes details of her troubled past and the perpetrators who defiled her.
Transparent Trauma does not adulate indecent behavior but removes the wolves' deceptive clothing and shines light on a world designed to lead children on a neverending carousel ride of promiscuity, drug abuse and mental illness.
Allmond was pushed through the child welfare system while witnessing unscrupulous financial manuveurs that did not serve its young population. She further explains how children and youth are kept dependent on various medications creating zombie-like behavior and bodies kin to tranquilized animals. Kyla was on sixteen medications since age fourteen, taking eight pills in the morning and another eight pils in the evening and had a fast affair with lithium.
Allmond's life was on an unrelenting, direct downward spiral and was determined to ride that unchartered wave indefinitely until she met the match who changed her life forever, Samantha. Kyla writes, "She broke through a wall with me that day; she gained my trust and made me believe people could love me again. Most importantly, she made me believe in myself again. How could I give up if someone wasn't giving up on me?"
Though Kyla has been through the toughest of times, she desires to reach others in the midst of their storms and help them understand, no matter how difficult life's challenges become, there is something good waiting on the other side. Hope can always be found even in the worst situations.