A mentally healthy workplace recognises that people are at the heart of its productivity and customer interactions and that a positive and safe culture enables organisational success.
While this is revolutionary thinking for some, we all have a critical role to play as leaders of change.
It's time to eradicate the harmful norms that foster toxic environments and poor leadership practices that contribute to billions of dollars of lost productivity in Australian workplaces every year.
Transforming Norm is your guide to creating a mentally healthy workplace, with a culture where everyone can thrive. To do so, the book focuses on:
- Promoting psychological safety at all levels
- Proactively mitigating work-related factors that contribute to poor mental wellbeing, and
- Creating and sustaining a positive workplace culture.
These workplaces are not soft and fluffy. There's no lack of challenge, accountability or responsibility. But workplace mental injury claims are on the rise, regulators are sharpening their focus on psychological health and safety, and employees expect - and deserve - better.
Tanya Heaney-Voogt is clear that workplaces must be happier, better places to spend our time. Based on her decades of experience in leadership and change, Transforming Norm is full of practical actions and proven strategies that cut through complexity and jargon.
A mentally healthy workplace is a business imperative, not an optional extra.
So, isn't it time you led the change?