The Apostle Paul urged the church in Rome to " transformed by the renewing of your minds" (Rom. 12:2). This call extends to all Christians today, but the question is, what does real transformation look like? This booklet provides essential principles for transforming your perspectives on life, your calling, and on how you engage public life. The journey begins by first believing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins and raised from the dead-it starts on the inside. As we grow in Jesus, our faith should extend to the outside, to all aspects of our personal and public lives- relationships, marriage, family, church, work, and the world. This booklet can provide tools to help bring the kingdom of God (God's rule and reign) to bear in every sphere of life, both personal and public.
"If you are looking for essential life principles for your personal walk and your public life, next to the Bible, you would do well to have this book in your hands, in your mind, and in your heart. Take them in today and live them out tomorrow. This world will be a better place."
--Luis Bush, Transform World
"As a young lawmaker 30 years ago, a book like this would have really helped me in fashioning public policy to help produce the best results for the people I was elected to serve. I heartily encourage all who see themselves as public servants to read this great work."
--Hon. Hal Jones, Hawaii State Legislature (ret.); President, Global Hope (GHNI); President, Geneva Institute (GILPP)
"I have witnessed firsthand Art Lindsley's passion to facilitate spiritual transformation among nations. His thoughts on this important subject are well articulated and presented here in this book. It is going to benefit all, especially African churches where transformation is most needed at this time."
--Dr. Pastor Bezalem Fisseha, former President and Board Chairman, Emmanuel United Church of Ethiopia
"Dr. Art Lindsley presents us with a Judeo-Christian worldview that can help us to reflect on how our life of faith can intersect with our public life. His essays help us to consider the urgent need to apply these values at a global leadership level, for the creation of more just, ethical, and transformational societies. His thinking is relevant and provides guidance for a culture that has lost its moral compass for making correct, biblically based decisions. I highly recommend this booklet that blends both thoughtful academic content and biblical principles."
--Ricardo Castillo Medina, President, FRAHMAD (Hispanic World Fraternity of the Assemblies of God)
"Dr. Art Lindsley has often shared his insights with our leaders in Latin America. In this book, he affirms that transformation must be holistic. Profound change is not possible if it does not encompass every dimension of life. Dr. Lindsley shows us how to fulfill this challenge in a manner that is both profound and simple. This work provides us with valuable principles for every culture. Latin America celebrates this publication!"
--Parrish Jacome Hernandez, General Director, UBLA (Baptist Union of Latin America)
"Dr. Art Lindsley has gifted Latin America and the global South with a book that is a call to reflection and a call to action. To be transformational these two must work together. Leaders in every profession and sphere of cultural influence should devour this content....The principles presented in these pages are for all generations because it takes all generations to transform nations. If you are a person with a cause and a passion that is social, moral, and eternal, these values are foundational for your journey and destination."
--Ricardo Luna, Executive Director, ConEl (Global Latin Evangelical Fellowship)