There's a dark tunnel, a bright light at the end. You have already seen it several times, but you have never reached the exit. Why?
None has ever told you how. That's the tunnel of life; and you are into it.
Suppose you are attending a party, and there you see all your friends, wealthy and successful in life. You might feel, 'Why can't I be like them?' or 'Why am I not able to achieve the same?' and then a feeling of negativity will follow it. It will be taking control of your mind and body, and will slowly push you towards darkness.
You are again into the tunnel.
You have probably gone through several books and have attended various seminars for shining some light on yourself, and for bringing about a personal transformation. But were you really able to do so?
Well, in most cases, the answer is going to be a NO. And this is most presumably because no one provided you with the basics of doing so.
Not being able to be happy is one of the inner plagues of our time. It's what makes it impossible to taste life. It means many times to discharge your frustration on those around you and not to be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
If we are unable to create our turning point, we find ourselves at the mercy of the ocean waves called life. The risk is to drag with us the people who are close to us and who share our life choices. The solution to this situation consists of transformation and personal growth, but we almost always find it complicated, and we abandon it, or we don't have the constancy to continue.
With The Transformation You Can, you can discover how to transform your life with seven simple rules to put into practice. These are rules of wisdom and change that everyone can apply in their own life, to grow inwardly, and increase their awareness.
These are precepts of which it is appropriate to know how they work, to be able to change one's life and live it to its fullest extent.
In this book, you will find
- How your mind and your body are linked to each other
- How to enjoy the present moment, regardless of possible everyday conditions, and not to be a prisoner of your past
- How to get rid of your worst habits and all your old paradigms.
- How to change your perceptions of the things
- How various aspects of life can help you get what you want, transform yourself, and make all your dreams come true
- How to try to deal with the negative side of your mind, always attached to all your past
- How to move towards the direction of your success in life