In this anthology relationships, the future, the past and décor are all permanently tainted by the action or inaction of the main players; their own histories are laid out for all to see. Choose a player, pick a story, and indulge in their nightmare.
Silicon Rules OK: It's 2020 and man's reign over the Earth comes to an end as he's forced to become subservient to machines. How will the humanity react? Will the machines make a better job of ruling the Earth?
Nightmare Revisited: Tony returns to the city of his childhood, Hiroshima. He tries to trace family and friends who stayed and experienced the bomb. The experience brings heartache as he relives the terrible events of that fateful day in 1945. After his visit he becomes a changed man.
Revenge in the Sun: Pam and Steve invite a business colleague, Lester and his girlfriend, Robin, to holiday in their house in France once too often. Lester reads a small article in The Times that will change all of their lives, permanently.
With Best Endeavour: Ted Johnson and his wife have been living a life, Ted's life, socialising and enjoying themselves, regardless of others. He has no long term plans after the next pint. But he is about to receive a rude awakening.
Forward to the Past: It's the 25th Century and Government have taken the term 'Nanny State' to an entirely different level; a world where families are non-existent, children grow up in state-run nurseries without a parents' love. Can Nina and Mark escape the trap and move forward to the past to give their unborn child a chance at life?
Invisible Friend: Gavin had lived a singleton's existence until death. Then he meets Ali who explains he has to make an important decision. A man and daughter in the "living" world are in danger. Will Gavin help and in doing so learn something along the way?
On the Road to Hell: With Stuart's latest prize tucked up in the boot of his car all he has to do is dispose of the evidence, and he knows just the place. However, this time he arrives things are different; the lake's polluted and something nasty is waiting for him.
The OxyGene Hypothesis: There's a few weeks left before the ground breaking "Project OxyGene" is to launch. But Tom Edison, a research scientist, discovers a life threatening defect. Not knowing what is at stake for his employer he notifies the bosses with devastating consequences.
The Suburban Weekend That Wasn't: All Dan Rogers wants from his weekend is a break from the stress of his job. But after his 83 year old neighbour is arrested, and he discovers a rotting hand buried in her garden, what was to be a relaxing break from work becomes a complete nightmare.